I think this describes how many people see us...


It's a joke, but its pretty funny.  When we allow the most basic tenets of
biology to be eroded by standing mute when  political concessions soften
evolution, we wind up having this kind of flaky reputation on climate change
and other important topics. The fish rots at the head first.

Jim Sparks

On 3/29/07, Ashwani Vasishth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> See also an op-ed by Tilman and Hill, at:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/23/AR2007032301625.html?reload=true
> At 05:45 PM -0800 3/29/07, Wayne Tyson wrote:
> >Thank you, Cara.
> >
> >Is there anyone on this list who can refute the essential points made in
> this article?  It's a bit long, but worth reading, understanding, and
> commenting upon with solid science to back them up.
> >
> >WT
> >
> >At 04:27 PM 3/27/2007, Cara Lin Bridgman wrote:
> >>Here's the link to a recent article by George Monbiot on Biofuels.
> >><http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/03/27/109/>
> >>
> >>
> >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>Cara Lin Bridgman
> >>
> >>P.O. Box 013          Phone: 886-4-2632-5484
> >>Longjing Sinjhuang
> >>Taichung County 434
> >>Taiwan                http://megaview.com.tw/~caralin/
> >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

James L. Sparks Jr. M.Sc.
Freelance Ecology
4530 E. Seminary Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
804.426.2479 (cell)

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