Tropical Tree Functional Diversity: Postdoctoral Position

Join an exciting international team on a unique new project investigating 
tropical tree diversity. We are seeking enthusiastic candidates for a two-
year postdoctoral position studying tropical tree functional traits and 
species diversity, based in Kourou, French Guiana. 

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will contribute to the French-
funded ANR BRIDGE project (see, which seeks 
to test theories of species coexistence by integrating databases on tree 
distributions, molecular phylogenetics and plant functional traits.
Duties will include participation in data collection, statistical analyses 
and manuscript preparation. Opportunities to develop independent research 
projects using data generated by the project are encouraged.

Qualifications: A PhD in plant community ecology or a related field, 
demonstrated interest in the broader questions in evolutionary ecology and 
tropical plant biodiversity studies, a proven publication record, and 
strong motivation. Research experience in plant trait measurement, 
phylogenetic analyses and statistical modelling are desirable.

Employment Conditions: The starting date is negotiable between September 1,
2007 and February 1, 2008. We will offer a competitive salary commensurate 
with the experience of the successful candidate.

To Apply: Please send a single PDF file containing letter of application 
with statement of interest, CV and two letters of reference to Chris 
Baraloto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), with cc to Jerome Chave 
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 

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