Researchers at the University of Montana’s College of Forestry and 
Conservation seek to hire a field assistant for a study of the 
effectiveness of native-seed mixes for revegetating decommissioned roads 
on Forest Service lands in the northern Rockies.  Forest managers are 
currently debating which road revegetation techniques best balance cost, 
erosion control, and protection of native plant communities.  
Historically, managers have used non-native species to revegetate 
decommissioned roads because they quickly cover and protect the soil 
surface and are often readily available and inexpensive.  However, 
revegetating with non-native species can inhibit re-establishment of 
native perennials and result in the invasion of adjacent native plant 
communities.  While over 2000 miles of roads are decommissioned on Forest 
Service lands each year, few researchers have compared the success of 
seeding with non-native versus native seed mix.  This study will identify 
the species that are most effective for restoring and rehabilitating 
native plant communities on decommissioned roads in the northern Rockies.

Sampling will occur in the Kootenai and Clearwater National Forests on 
decommissioned logging roads during July and August 2007.  Field 
assistants will be responsible for collecting data on soil 
characteristics, disturbance intensity, and plant abundance, and for 
preparing and seeding study plots.  The locations of the sites and the 
nature of the work will require extended periods in the field (up to 8 
days), camping, and limited access to facilities (e.g., showers, 
telephone, email).  Field Assistants may have the option of returning for 
a second season to help with re-sampling the sites in 2008.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities - Preference will be given to individuals 
•have or are working toward a degree in forestry, ecology, botany, or a 
related field;
•have previous field experience (especially sampling herbs and graminoids);
•are willing to camp;
•can work for long hours under strenuous field conditions; 
•have experience using a compass and reading topographic maps; and
•are capable of navigating and driving on un-maintained forest roads 
(vehicles will be provided).

Salary - $10-14.50/hr depending on experience.

Application Procedure - Review of applications will begin immediately and 
continue until the position is filled.  To apply, please send the 
following materials to Ashley Grant at [EMAIL PROTECTED]:  1) letter 
of interest, 2) resume, and 3) names of and contact information for three 

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