Several people from the ESA have offered to help co-ordinate a response to
the recent advances made by creationists over the past years.  There is an
immediate problem represented by the IJCR and some more long term concerns
having to do with inadequate elementary and advanced education.  The
following suggestions were made by ESA members.

1. Draft an official ESA letter of response that summarizes the evidence
against young earth creationism and states the importance of scientific
method to the construction of contemporary paradigms.
2. Facilitate professional contact with elementary grade schools through
informal outreach for the purpose of teaching evolution to students and
3. Promote techniques and methods to improve evolution as it is taught
in non-majors courses.

If you would you be interested in helping with one of these efforts please
contact me and I will put you in touch with the people who are interested in
facilitating exploration into these possible responses.  With a little luck
we might have something ready for the August ESA meeting, but probably not
the June Mammal meeting.

Jim Sparks

James L. Sparks Jr. M.Sc.
Freelance Ecology
4530 E. Seminary Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
804.426.2479 (cell)

"Quis custodiet ipso custodes?" -Juvenal

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