Dr. Rebecca Sharitz asked me to post the following message for her. You 
can reply to her directly at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Dear Colleagues,

Many of you have contacted me regarding the message posted yesterday by 
Howie Neufeld regarding the future of the University of Georgia’s Savannah 
River Ecology Laboratory. Indeed, the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah 
River Operations Office has been blocked by DOE Headquarters from 
releasing funds (which are available at the SRS and which were promised to 
SREL both verbally and in writing) to support SREL research programs for 
the remainder of FY2007. Without additional funding, SREL will run out of 
money for its ecological research and environmental education programs 
within a few weeks. 

For 56 years SREL has provided an independent scientific evaluation of SRS 
operations. Furthermore, as we move deeper into the 21st century, in the 
United States and globally there is an increasing need for vastly more 
(not less) credible scientific research into sensitive ecological and 
environmental issues.  Without the continuance of the kind of objective 
scientific research conducted at SREL, responsible governments (federal or 
state) and institutions of higher learning (such as the University of 
Georgia) run the huge risk of losing much of their public credibility with 
regard to nuclear activities conducted on or near their lands.

Although the SREL budget crisis is extreme and urgent, the laboratory is 
not yet taking steps to close its doors as the statement from a UGA 
official quoted by Howie Neufeld in his message yesterday implies. Other 
possible options to continue SREL’s programs are being actively explored. 
Continued and vocal support from the public and the broad scientific 
community may be a key factor in keeping the laboratory viable. Please 
visit the website: www.savesrel.org for information about what you can do.

Dr. Rebecca Sharitz, Professor
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
University of Georgia

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