Four Post-doc positions at the Centre for Theoretical Biology, G=F6teborg
University, Sweden.  Evolutionary genetics and Epidemiology.

We seek four highly qualified and motivated postdocs to join us in a new
interdisciplinary program in Theoretical Biology. Each position will be
based at one home department - Department of Zoology, Department of Marine
Ecology or Department of Mathematical Sciences - but successful applicants
are expected to work across disciplines and collaborate with faculty and
students at the other departments, also involving the Department of Physics=
We especially welcome applications from international and female students.

Positions A, B, C have deadline 30 May 2007 (or, until filled) and position
D 21 January 2008. All positions are for one year with the possibility of
extension for up to one additional year depending on funding and

A. Post-doc position in Evolutionary Genetics of Avian Coloration, at
Department of Zoology, G=F6teborg.  Ref nr E36 1741/07
B. Post-doc position in the principles of speciation at Tj=E4rn=F6 Marine
Biological Laboratories, Str=F6mstad. E36 1742/07
C. Post-doc position in Ecological epidemiology; seasonal variation, at
Marine Ecology, G=F6teborg. E36 1743/07
D. Post-doc position in mathematical epidemiology at Department of
Mathematical Sciences, G=F6teborg. (May 2008-May 2009) E36 1744/07

Send CV, two reprints, a one page statement of research interests and three
references directly to:
The Registrar, G=F6teborgs University, Box 100, SE-405 30 G=F6teborg, Sweden.
Stating reference number for the chosen position.

Feel free to contact Karin H=E5rding, director of the Center for theoretical
biology ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for further details.
Centre homepage:

Trade union representatives: SACO Martin Bj=F6rkman tel. +46 31-7863608, SEKO
Lennart Olsson tel +46 31-7861173, OFR-S Eva Sj=F6gren tel +46 31-7861169.


A. Post-doc position in Evolutionary Genetics of Avian Coloration at
G=F6teborg University, E36 1741/07

Within the Center for Theoretical biology at G=F6teborg University, a postdoc
position is available on comparative evolutionary genetics of avian plumage
coloration and sexual dichromatism. The project involves evolutionary
modeling and phylogenetic comparative analyses of already collected data,
and complementary laboratory work in molecular genetics.

The primary model system is the rapid speciation and adaptive radiation in
African weaverbirds (subfam. Ploceinae, 16 genera/117 spp./264 ssp.), in
particular the extravagantly ornamented widowbirds and bishops in the genus
Euplectes (17 spp). From past and ongoing research, an extensive database o=
blood samples, DNA sequences, spectral reflectance, and carotenoid pigment
profiles has been collected. In addition, intraspecific studies of colour
variation and sexual selection have been carried out in several Euplectes

The ideal candidate should be well versed in relevant theory and also have
empirical experience in molecular genetics and phylogenetic comparative
methods, plus a strong interest in avian evolutionary ecology. Interaction
within the Center for theoretical biology
( is an important aspect of
the project, in particular collaboration with mathematicians on phylogeneti=
inference and comparative methods.

The position is for one year, with the possibility for extension up to one
additional year depending on funding and performance. The post doc will be
based at the Department of Zoology in Gothenburg, where there is a
well-equipped molecular ecology lab.

Deadline for applications 30 May 2007 (or, until filled)
Please write the reference code on your application ref. nr. E36 1741/07

For further information contact project advisor professor Staffan Andersson
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), professor Malte Andersson
([EMAIL PROTECTED]),  or Dr. Karin Harding
([EMAIL PROTECTED], head of the Center for theoretical biology).


 B. Post-doc position on the principles of speciation at G=F6teborg
University, E36 1742/07

A post-doc position on the basic principles of speciation is available
within the Center for theoretical biology at GU. The postdoc project deals
with phylogenetic and phylogeographic theory, using marine snails as a mode=
system. The project involves evolutionary modelling in collaboration with
mathematicians and physicist based on already collected data, and also
complementary laboratory work in molecular genetics.

Model organisms will be shore snails within the genus Littorina. These
snails are extremely variable in shape and size, and develop different
ecotypes in different environments. The ecotypes are partially
reproductively isolated from each other and have most likely evolved throug=
parallel evolution, which suggests a complex and partially paraphyletic
phylogeny, possibly affected by hybridization between closely related
species. The aim of the project is to disentangle details of the phylogeny
and to search for evidences of reticulate evolution (within and between

The candidate should have a strong interest in theoretical evolutionary
biology and experience in molecular methods and data analyses. The work wil=
be done in close collaboration with theoreticians and evolutionary
ecologists within the Center for theoretical biology
( An interest for modelling
and to collaborate across disciplines is essential.

The position is for one year, with the possibility for extension up to one
additional year depending on funding and performance. The post doc will be
based at the Department of Marine Ecology at Tj=E4rn=F6 Marine Biological
Laboratory, Str=F6mstad. TMBL has a stimulating research environment in
evolutionary biology and a well-equipped molecular lab
( The successful candidate will also
spend significant time in Gothenburg interacting with other members of the
Centre, and is encouraged to participate in joint workshops, seminars and

Deadline for applications 30 May 2007 (or, until filled).
Please write the reference code on your application ref. nr. E36 1742/07

For further information contact Carl Andr=E9 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Kerstin Johannesson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at TMBL. Bernhard
Mehlig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Peter Jagers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ar=
involved in the theoretical model development.


C. Post-doc position in ecological epidemiology; the importance of
seasonality, at G=F6teborg University (GU). E36 1743/07

A post-doc position on the ecological epidemiology of zoonotic diseases is
available within the Center for theoretical biology at GU. The job includes
literature surveys, data analysis, and the development of theoretical

The aim of the program is to develop new epidemiological models for zoonoti=
diseases  that incorporate explicitly several aspects of animal population
ecology. One central question is how seasonal behavior influence disease
dynamics. A comparative approach will be used and diseases in focus include
avian flu, cowpox and cholera.

The candidate should have a strong interest in epidemiology and could have =
medical or ecological or mathematical degree in a relevant sub-discipline
(mathematical epidemiology, zoonotic disease ecology or population biology
of wildlife disease, for example). It is important that the candidate have
some experience in epidemiological modeling and is proficient at reading an=
writing comprehensible scientific texts. The work will be done in close
collaboration with theoreticians and evolutionary ecologists within the
Center for theoretical biology
( and Professor Mike Begon at
U. Liverpool. An interest in collaborating across disciplines is essential.

The position is for one year, with the possibility of extension for up to
one additional year depending on funding and performance. The successful
candidate will be based at the Department of Marine Ecology in Gothenburg
and will be encouraged to participate in joint workshops, seminars and
meetings at CTBio.

Deadline for applications 30 May 2007 (or, until filled).
Please write the reference code on your application E36 1743/07

For further information contact the main host, Karin Harding
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or co-hosts Bernt Wennberg, Per =C5berg


 D. Post-doc position in mathematical epidemiology of emerging diseases at
Department of Mathematical Sciences, G=F6teborg. E36 1744/07

A post-doc position on the mathematical epidemiology of emerging diseases
is available within the Center for theoretical biology at GU. The job
includes development of mathematical models for disease spread and
propagation at different scales.

The candidate should have a strong background in epidemiological
mathematics, stochastic and deterministic mathematical modelling and an
interest in theoretical evolutionary biology. The work will be done in clos=
collaboration with theoreticians and evolutionary ecologists within the
Center for theoretical biology
( An interest to collaborate
across disciplines is essential.

Dead line for applications: 21 January 2008.

The position is open from May 2008 and is for one year, with the possibilit=
for extension up to one additional year depending on funding and
performance. The post doc will be based at the Department of Mathematical
Sciences/Matematical Statistics in Gothenburg. The Department has a
stimulating research environment and hosts for example the Stochastic Centr=
with rich possibilities for interactions. The successful candidate will be
encouraged to participate in joint workshops, seminars and meetings at

Please write the reference code on your application ref. nr E36 1744/07.

For further information contact the main host, Bernt Wennberg
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or co-hosts Karin Harding
Bernhard Mehlig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


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