The ICR is accredited by Bush administration through a fiat issued by
Secretary of education Margaret Spelling through a religious
organization, TRACS.

What this means is that whom ever holds the executive office is permitted to
essentially determine what is taught as reality in the countries academic
institutions.  We have lost many public K-12 schools to home, charter, and
private alternatives.  In a few generations higher learning could slip just
as far away from the paradigm familiar to the rest of the world.

Before we laugh this off we should remember that the Nazis gained their
initial purchase on the German psyche through academia first.  As
academicians, I believe we have a special responsibility to be on guard for
persistent lies.  We should be supporting higher standards that do not
permit ambiguous accreditation and are not subject to the vagaries of
political philosophy.

 "Those who can make make us believe absurdities can make us commit
atrocities." -Voltaire

- Jim Sparks

Now, back in the late 1970s, an accreditation agency called the
Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, or
TRACS,<>was formed. It adopted a
list of accreditation criteria <> that is
far more specific than those employed by most accreditors. For instance, to
qualify for TRACS accreditation, a school must adhere to a list of eleven
"Biblical standards," <> including: *

1. The unique divine inspiration of all the canonical books of the Old and
New Testaments as originally given, so that they are infallible and uniquely
authoritative and free from error of any sort, in all matters with which
they deal, scientific and historical as well as moral and theological.

2. Special creation of the existing space-time universe and all its basic
systems and kinds of organisms in the six literal days of the creation week.

3. The full historicity and perspicuity of the biblical record of primeval
history, including the literal existence of Adam and Eve as the progenitors
of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine curse of the creation,
and worldwide cataclysmic deluge and the origin of nations and languages at
the Tower of Babel. . ..*

In 1991, Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander overruled the
recommendations of his advisors and extended recognition to TRACS. This
brought some serious criticism (including an entire book called *When The
TRACS Stop Short, *by degree-mill gadfly Steven Levicoff, author of *Name It
And Frame It; *unfortunately, Levicoff's books, which were on-line for a
long time, are no longer available. <>)

Immediately after its recognition, TRACS did some highly questionable
things, among which was its accreditation of ICR's graduate school, despite
the fact that the chairman of TRACS' board of directors was none other
than Henry
Morris, <> founder of ICR.

James L. Sparks Jr. M.Sc.
Freelance Ecology
4530 E. Seminary Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
804.426.2479 (cell)

"Quis custodiet ipso custodes?" -Juvenal

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