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American Society of Mammalogists Adopts a Resolution on Economic Growth


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xml:namespace prefix =3D w ns =3D "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word=
" />What=92s new?

On June 9, 2007, at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society of M=
ammalogists (ASM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the ASM adopted a resoluti=
on on economic growth.  The ASM described a =93fundamental conflict betw=
een economic growth and the conservation of ecosystems=94 based upon sci=
entifically established principles.  The ASM noted that an economy has a=
n =93optimal size=94 and that growth beyond the optimum reduces human we=
lfare in addition to threatening other species.

Why did the ASM adopt a resolution on economic growth?

The ASM joined a growing number of professional, scientific societies th=
at are taking positions on economic growth rather than relegating public=
 discussions of economic growth to economists, politicians, commercial i=
nterests, and social activists.  The ASM was particularly concerned abou=
t the misleading rhetoric that =93there is no conflict between growing t=
he economy and protecting the environment.=94  The ASM believes that the=
 public and policy makers must have a firm knowledge of the tradeoffs be=
tween economic growth and other important aspects of human welfare (such=
 as wildlife conservation and environmental health) to develop appropria=
te economic policy goals and programs.  The ASM suggests that, in many n=
ations, a =93steady state economy=94 has become a more appropriate goal =
than economic growth.

How will the resolution be used?

The resolution will be sent to policy makers, government agencies, think=
 tanks, and other organizations that craft, analyze, or promote economic=
 policy.  Examples of recipients include members of Congress, the Counci=
l of Economic Advisors, the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality, the A=
merican Enterprise Institute, and the World Bank.

What is the American Society of Mammalogists?

The ASM ( was established in 1919 to generate inte=
rest in the study of mammals.  Today the ASM has over 4,500 members, mos=
t of whom are professional scientists with a strong interest in the publ=
ic good.  The ASM provides information useful for public policy, resourc=
es management, conservation, and education.  =


Where can I find additional information on the ASM resolution?

For more information, please contact ASM Public Relations Chair, John Yu=
nger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or one of the following ASM members: Brian Cz=
ech ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Oliver Pergams ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Steve Sheffield (s=

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