Postdoctoral position in plant-herbivore interactions and population dynamics

Ecology and Evolution group, Florida State University

We are seeking a postdoc to work with us on a study of the effects of 
insect herbivores on plant population dynamics. In this study we are 
using a combination of density and herbivore manipulation experiments 
in the field with density-dependent demographic modeling. The focal 
plant is Solanum carolinense, a native perennial. This project is 
based at Florida State University in the Underwood lab 
and is a collaborative venture with Stacey Halpern 
( at Pacific 
University and Brian Inouye at FSU 

A primary responsibility of the postdoc will be managing data 
collection from a large field experiment, including coordinating a 
team of technicians and undergraduate researchers and working with 
them in the field. Additional responsibilities include experimental 
work (especially greenhouse studies), plant propagation, data 
analysis, and assistance with mentoring undergraduate researchers. 
The postdoc will also be encouraged to participate in writing up 
results for publication, and to develop their own independent or 
collaborative research relevant to the larger project.

Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in a relevant field, good 
field skills, knowledge of working with plants and/or insects, 
ability to work in hot and humid conditions, and excellent time and 
people management skills. Desirable qualifications include strong 
analytical, statistical, or demographic modeling skills. Annual 
salary starts at $37,000/yr. Funding is available for two years, 
renewed annually with review, and funding for an additional year may 
be possible. Ideally, the position would begin no later than March 
2008; start date somewhat flexible.

To apply (or if you have questions) e-mail Nora Underwood 
Halpern will also be available to meet with potential applicants at 
the Ecological Society meeting in San Jose in August (contact her at 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] to arrange a 
meeting). For applications, e-mail a CV, a research statement 
(describing your research interests, how you might contribute to this 
project, and how this position would relate to your long-term 
research goals), and the names and contact information for three 
references. Applications accepted until the position is filled.

Florida State University is an R1 research institution. The Ecology 
and Evolution Group at FSU is very interactive and friendly, with 
particular research strengths at the intersection of evolution and 
ecology. See 
for more information about the EE group and the area around FSU.

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