Apparently only 13 dolphins were found in a 1993 survey. Let's an article p=
ublised on Scientific American website:
39=0A=0AChee Seng Chong=0APhD student=0ACentre for Environmental Stress and=
 Adaptation Research (Hoffmann Lab)=0AThe University of Melbourne=0ABio21 I=
nstitute=0AParkville, VIC
 Original Message ----=0AFrom: Joanne Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=0ATo:=
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Friday, 17 August 2007 10:31:28=0ASubjec=
t: Re: [ECOLOG-L] in Memorium yangtzee dolphin=0A=0A=0AI too am amazed that=
 this suspected extinction has gone by without barely a news story - late l=
ast week it got a 2 minute mention on the late night news in Australia - th=
at was it.  Does anyone know more about this? The news here mentioned that =
it was suspected extinct following an extensive 6 week search...prior to th=
is was the species easily found? Or is it possible that there could still b=
e a viable population, just that they weren't located in the 6 weeks?=0A=0A=
Jo=0A=0ADr. Joanne L. Isaac=0APost-Doctoral Research Associate=0ACentre for=
 Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change=0ASchool of Marine and Tropical B=
iology=0AJames Cook University=0ATownsville=0AQLD Australia=0A=0ATel:(+61) =
07 47814439=0AFax:(+61) 07 47251570=0Aemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
=0A=0A"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been=
 sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebelli=
ous, and immature." =0ATom Robbins=0A=0A=0A---- Original message ----=0A>Da=
te: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:57:32 -0500=0A>From: Malcolm McCallum <malcolm.mcca=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  =0A>Subject: Re: in Memorium yangtzee dolphin  =0A>To=
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>=0A>Good point,I am on the marine mammal lis=
tserv and never heard a thing=0A>about it.=0A>=0A>On Thu, August 16, 2007 4=
:07 am, William Silvert wrote:=0A>> I find it odd that with all the discuss=
ion of species loss on this list,=0A>> no=0A>> mention has appeared of a ma=
jor extinction of a charismatic species, the=0A>> Yangtzee river dolphin. T=
he loss of a large mammal seems to have occurred=0A>> with just a small rip=
ple in the news, and seems much less noteworthy than=0A>> the birth of a gi=
ant panda.=0A>>=0A>> Bill Silvert=0A>>=0A>=0A>=0A>Malcolm L. McCallum=0A>As=
sistant Professor of Biology=0A>Editor Herpetological Conservationa and Bio=
=0A      __________________________________________________________________=
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