Ph.D. Assistantship in Restoration Ecology - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA

I am seeking a Ph.D. student to work on an upland hardwood restoration
project in Florida.  The project involves using silvicultural techniques
in restoring degraded upland hardwood forests in north central Florida
in collaboration with the state division of forestry.  The assistantship
carries a competitive stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance for
a period of 3 to 4 years.  Students are expected to join either in the
spring or fall 2008.  Minimum qualifications include a M.S. degree in
forestry, ecology or a related field, good oral and verbal
communications skills, 3.0 GPA and 1000 GRE (V+Q) score.  Please contact
Dr. Shibu Jose, Associate Professor of Forest Ecology, School of Forest
Resources and Conservation, University of Florida at (352)-846-0872
(Office) or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more information visit the Forest
Ecology and Ecosystem Restoration (FEER) Lab at the University of
Florida at

Shibu Jose, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Forest Ecology
Editor, Journal of Forestry
School of Forest Resources and Conservation=20
351 Newins-Ziegler Hall
PO Box 110410
University of Florida=20
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410

Phone: (352) 846 0872
Fax: (352) 846 1277

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