New articles for Population Ecology (August 2007)

Four new articles of Population Ecology have been published at ‘Online 
First’ last month.

(1)  Joanne L. Isaac, Leonie E. Valentine and Brett A. Goodman
Demographic responses of an arboreal marsupial, the common brushtail possum 
( Trichosurus vulpecula ), to a prescribed fire

(2)  Shin-ya Ohba, Hitoshi Miyasaka and Fusao Nakasuji
The role of amphibian prey in the diet and growth of giant water bug nymphs 
in Japanese rice fields

(3)  Neil Collier, Duncan A. Mackay and Kirsten Benkendorff
Is relative abundance a good indicator of population size? Evidence from 
fragmented populations of a specialist butterfly (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

(4)  Celine Duhem, Philip Roche, Eric Vidal and Thierry Tatoni
Effects of anthropogenic food resources on yellow-legged gull colony size 
on Mediterranean islands

The abstracts of these articles are available for everyone free of charge 
at Online First. The full texts are available for the members of the 
Society of Population Ecology and institutions registered with SpringerLink.

* Population Ecology at Online First:

Population Ecology is an English scientific journal published by the 
Society of Population Ecology four times a year. It enjoys a high 
international reputation and has a long history of over 40 years. All 
manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by two referees, and the final 
editorial decision is made by the Chief Editor based on the referees' 
evaluations. The articles are abstracted/indexed in BIOSIS, Current 
Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Environmental 
Periodicals Bibliography (EPB).

Population Ecology welcomes submissions of papers by non-members. To submit 
your manuscript to Population Ecology, go to

We look forward to your subscription and submission.

Editorial Office
Population Ecology

Chief Editor  Takashi Saitoh
Field Science Center
Hokkaido University, Japan 

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