Pete asks:

>  Back in April there was some discussion regarding a video on climate
>  change (global warming swindle).  This video showed (if I remember
>  correctly) how sun spots or solar radiation correlated with global
>  temperatures.  In response to this video, someone posted an article that
>  referenced the intentional manipulation or fitting of data to prove this
>  point, and that in fact, since the 70's or so, this correlation no longer
>  exists.  Can someone remind me of the title and author of this paper?

Just as prefatory note, all postings to ECOLOG-L are archived at:

To find the posting that you were referring to, I simply searched on the word
"swindle," which is not a commonly used word on the list. The posting you are
referring to can be found in the archives at:

That posting in turn refers to Chris Merchant's webpage at:

which has the material (and more now) that you are looking for.

Wirt Atmar

AICS Research, Inc.
University Park, NM  88003-4691
(505) 524-9800
(505) 526-4700 fax

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