With regards to the following post in a recent ECOLOG:
  Date:    Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:30:04 -0500
From:    Malcolm McCallum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bush's New Ruling on Mountain-Top Removal

November 4 is coming fast.
Something for everyone to think about.
If you don't like how a particular party does its job, register in that
party so you can vote in the primaries and weed out the bad eggs.  Then
vote for the party you want when the election comes up.

THis will cause the opposing party to shift its views to a more
environmentally focused view, if that is your goal.

Just a thought!

Malcolm McCallum
  Mr. McCallum, I certainly hope this is a joke on your part.  As technically 
legal as this suggestion is, it is one of the more appalling, underhanded, 
treacherous and down-right disturbing things I've seen.  
  How about this, instead:  If you don't like how a particular party is doing 
its job, develop a foundation of your beliefs and RUN FOR OFFICE...or find a 
candidate of your own party to support and put some elbow-grease behind him or 
  At least these options show some ethics.  Would you support a student who 
didn't like his exam, hacked into the computer system, and changed the 
parameters of the test?
  Kelly Stettner, Director
  Black River Action Team

Black River Action Team (BRAT)
  45 Coolidge Road
  Springfield, VT  05156


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