The biggest problem is that the lay public -and by that I mean nearly everyone 
including and sometimes especially the educated - think theyre immune to 
propaganda and most don't tend to approach problems and issues and TV and 
newspaper reports with the skeptical minds that can really think to question 
the source of the info. Dr Nancy Snow studies propaganda and says those who 
think they are immune are often most vulnerable.  People tend to think if it 
made its way to TV it must have been vetted through some "people who know" but 
press don't always know themselves how science works. Is it a single study or a 
consensus? Who funded it? What was the sample size? These type of questions 
should be addressed by mainstream news in my opinion. Or we need a Jon  Stewart 
daily show mocking the way media presents science. Maybe I should do that...  

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-----Original Message-----

Date:         Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:36:35 
Subject: Re: [SSWG] Denial * 2: Climate Change and Economic Growth

Newsweek published a major article a month or two ago about the effort of
those with big money to pay people, including at least one scientist, to
misinform the public about climate change. Misinformation has been used in
military operations for a long time with great success (e.g., misinforming
the Germans where the D-Day invasion would occur). So, using scientists
that are willing to be "paid off" to keep the public guessing is not beyond
the scope of reality. Neither is one admitting part of the truth then
denying another part. Seems the person is spouting the whole truth by
admitting to part of the truth. At least it makes it harder to determine if
they are touting the whole truth. Also a common practice. Irregardless of
the science, there will always be those that try to fool others into
believing the wrong thing, usually because of the wrong "green" -- money,
power, or a combination of the two. Economics is about money and it is not
surprising to me that these individuals will use any misinformation method
available or that can be developed in an attempt to keep the public
guessing. Thus the importance of educating everyone so they can distinguish
truth from error, including those in the "third" world who will eventually
play a singnificant role in determining the world's course of action.

Bill "Gator" Gates
William R. Gates
Wildlife Biologist
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
2700 Refuge Headquarters Road
Decatur, Alabama  35603
Phone: (256) 353-7243  Extension 25
Fax: (256) 340-9728

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                                       [SSWG] Denial * 2: Climate Change   
                                       and Economic Growth                 

I’ve been following the ECOLOG discussion on climate change "denial
science" with great interest.  Many of the climate change deniers have much
in common with those who deny that there is a conflict between economic
growth and environmental protection.  For example, both camps of deniers
tend to be comprised of hirelings of, or were selected in a process
strongly influenced by, "big money" (i.e., pro-growth, typically corporate
and anti-regulatory entities).

This point would be too obvious to be worth mentioning, except that now we
are seeing a fascinating denial dialog developing regarding the
relationship of economic growth and climate change.  I noticed this at a
climate change conference yesterday, where the old CIA Director Woolsey et
al., while fully concurring that climate change is upon us, and
substantially human-induced, are not yet ready to concede that climate
change and other environmental threats are fundamental outcomes of economic

(While this is no place to elaborate, I have to at least note that, with a
>90% fossil-fueled economy, and ceteris paribus, economic growth simply =
global warming.  And also that, with economic growth - increasing
production and consumption of goods and services in the aggregate -
prioritized in the domestic policy arena, dealing with climate change means
not conservation and frugality but rather wholesale onlining of nuclear,
tar sands, mountaintop removing, etc., because, as Woolsey pointed out,
renewables such as solar and wind won’t come anywhere near the levels our
currently fossil-fueled economy needs.)

So perhaps we could view "denial science" as lying on a spectrum, where
endpoints might be defined either in terms of hardness/softness of science
(e.g., physics hard, climate change science medium, ecological economics
softish), or else in terms of political economy (e.g., from little to big
money at stake).  Denial would tend to be motivated pursuant to principals
of political economy, and gotten away with in proportion to the softness
(or alternatively, complexity) of the science.

Brian Czech, Visiting Assistant Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
National Capital Region, Northern Virginia Center
7054 Haycock Road, Room 411
Falls Church, VA  22043

Brian Czech, Ph.D., President
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
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