The Forest Ecology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
in Zurich (see http://www.fe.ethz.ch) is seeking applications for the 
position of a postdoctoral research fellow on

Ecological Modeling of Forested Landscapes

A complete description of this two- to four-year appointment with 
information on the requirements and the application procedure can be 
found under http://www.telejob.ch/telejob/offer.xml?offer=10053. 
Applications are due 25 November.

Prof. Harald Bugmann

                          Harald Bugmann, Prof. Dr.

Waldoekologie                                 Forest Ecology
Institut fuer Terrestrische Oekosysteme       Inst. of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Departement Umweltwissenschaften              Dept. of Environmental Sciences
ETH Zuerich, CHN G76.1                        ETH Zurich, CHN G76.1
8092 Zuerich                                  8092 Zurich
Schweiz                                       Switzerland

Phone +41-44-632-3239   Fax +41-44-632-1110   E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

           Group web page:     http://www.fe.ethz.ch/
           Personal web page:  http://www.fe.ethz.ch/people/harald/

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