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Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the 7th workshop of the German working group =
vegetation databases from 5-7 March 2008 at the University of Oldenburg!
Information can be found under

The upcoming 7th meeting is dedicated to the links between plant trait and=
vegetation data bases. Trait data summarise morphological and physiological=
features of plant species - plot data present a detailed description of the=
biotic environment in which the species are found. Linking trait and plot d=
banks allows us to extract the functional features of plant communities as =
as to test and refine plant functional types.

The results are an important basis for detecting, assessing and predicting=
changes in the composition, diversity and functioning of vegetation. Applie=
functional ecology helps managers to protect and restore vulnerable species=
communities and habitats, to improve land-use practices and to forecast=20
vegetation reactions to changes in climate and land-use.

Best wishes
Prof. Dr. J=F6rg Ewald
Botanik und Vegetationskunde
Botany & Vegetation Science
Fachhochschule Weihenstephan
University of Applied Sciences
Fakult=E4t Wald und Forstwirtschaft
Faculty of Forest Science and Forestry
Am Hochanger 5
D-85354 Freising
phone ++49-8161-715909
fax ++49-8161-714526

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