Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution salutes recent contributor =20
Professor Ada Yonath, of Israel=92s Weizmann Institute, on being chosen =20=

as one of only five recipients world-wide of the prestigious L=92Oreal-=20=

UNESCO =93For Women in Science=94 Life=92s Work Prize.

Yonath=92s article, =93On ribosome conservation and evolution=94 =
(written =20
with I. Agmon and A. Bashan), appears in NEW HORIZONS IN EVOLUTIONARY =20=

BIOLOGY, a 350-page compendium based on an international conference =20
by the same name and published as a double issue of the Israel =20
Journal of Ecology and Evolution. Professor Eviatar Nevo of the =20
University of Haifa=92s Institute of Evolution edited the compendium.

Other representative articles in the collection include:
=95 =93Cancer and evolution=94, by Walter F. Bodmer
=95 =93On the origin of cells and viruses: A comparative=96genomic =20
perspective=94, by Eugene V. Koonin
=95 =93Speciation in the new millennium: What=92s left to know?=94 by =
Mohamed =20
A.F. Noor and Jerry A. Coyne
=95 =93=91Evolution Canyon=92: A microcosm of Life=92s evolution =
focusing on =20
adaptation and speciation=94, by Eviatar Nevo

For details on this compendium, including full Table of Contents and =20
purchase information, and more about the Israel Journal of Ecology =20
and Evolution, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Elcya Weiss
Israel Science Journals=

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