GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS:  Ecological Genomics at Kansas State University


Multiple Graduate Fellowships AVAILABLE for admission in Fall 2008 to join
the Ecological Genomics Institute (EGI) at Kansas State University. Research
in the EGI works to link responses of living systems to environmental change
at the genetic level.  The overarching goal of this research initiative is
to identify the genes that are involved in organismal responses to the


This Ecological Genomics Institute takes advantage of existing strengths at
Kansas State University in genetics and genomics, ecology and evolutionary
biology to answer cross-cutting questions that lie at the interface of
genomics and ecology. This collaborative research effort crosses disciplines
(genetics and ecology) and departments (Agronomy, Biology, Entomology, Plant
Pathology, Computing and Information Science).  In addition, the EGI takes
advantage of experimental manipulations at the Konza Prairie Long-Term
Ecological Research (LTER) site. 


Research and education opportunities exist for Graduate Students to work
towards an MS or PhD degree in this large collaborative and
interdisciplinary effort. More information about the Kansas State University
Ecological Genomics Institute research groups can be found at  Twenty-eight faculty with interests spanning the
diversity of disciplines within ecological genomics are involved in the
Ecological Genomics Institute (see below). 


The deadline for applications is 15 January 2008.


For application information, visit:


Questions?  Send an e-mail to Dr. Jeremy Marshall, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Ecological Genomics Faculty

.           Eduard Akhunov, Plant Pathology, Genomics of Adaptive Plasticity
of Polyploids 

.           Sue Brown, Division of Biology, Insect Genomics 

.           Carolyn Ferguson, Division of Biology, Plant Evolutionary

.           Karen Garrett, Plant Pathology, Plant-Microbe Ecological

.           Michael Herman, Division of Biology, Nematode Community
Ecological Genomics 

.           Loretta Johnson, Division of Biology, Plant Genomics and Global

.           Ari Jumpponen Division of Biology, Host-Fungus Interaction

.           Srini Kambhampati, Entomology, Evolutionary Genetics and

.           David Margolies, Entomology, Genomics of Foraging Behavior 

.           Jeremy Marshall, Entomology, Genomics/Proteomics of Speciation

.           Ted Morgan, Division of Biology, Evolutionary & Ecological
Quantitative Genomics

.           Brett Sandercock, Division of Biology, Avian Population
Demography and Genetics

.           Mike Smith, Entomology, Plant-Arthropod Genomic Interactions 

.           Tim Todd, Plant Pathology, Nematode Community Ecological

.           Mark Ungerer, Division of Biology, Plant Evolutionary

.           Steve Welch, Agronomy, Network Models and Natural Variation

.           Ruth Welti, Division of Biology, Lipidomics of plant stress

.           Anna Whitfield, Plant Pathology, Genomics of Virus-Vector

.           Samantha Wisely, Division of Biology, Population Genomics

.           Kun Yan Zhu, Entomology, Insect Toxicogenomics


KSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and actively seeks diversity among its


Doris Merrill, Program Coordinator

Ecological Genomics Institute

Kansas State University, Division of Biology

116 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS  66506-4901

(785) 532-3482, [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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