Postdoctoral Position - Pasture Based Dairy Project
W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University

Application Deadline:    December 1, 2007

Primary Responsibility: To develop and implement a pasture-based dairy 
research facility at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) and initiate 
research and/or outreach activities that support and utilize this project.

Position description: We seek a postdoctoral associate to work with the KBS 
Pasture-based Dairy management team to develop and design the pastures as a 
part of a research infrastructure that integrates animal production, 
ecology and food systems. Depending on interests and expertise, there will 
be opportunities to initiate research in any of the four focal research 
areas to be established at this facility (see below). They will also be 
expected to participate in planning and delivering outreach activities 
associated with the development of this project, including the use of novel 
technologies for milking (robotic milking). The postdoc will work closely 
with the Pasture-based ExecutiveTeam [KL Gross (KBS), K Plaut (ANS), M Hamm 
(CARRS) and D Buhler (MAES)], the project manager, KBS facilities manager 
and appropriate administrative offices at MSU to establish these facilities.

Applicants must have a PhD in animal science, agronomy, or sustainable 
agriculture or related field. Experience in working with pasture-based 
dairy systems and engaging with outreach activities required. Strong 
written and verbal communication skills are also required.

Availability and Location: This position is Full time (100%, annual year) 
and available immediately and is based Michigan State University's Kellogg 
Biological Station (, Michigan's largest agricultural 
experiment station located in SW Michigan. KBS hosts the NSF LTER site in 
field crop agriculture and a newly-funded DOE funded Great Lakes Bioenergy 
Research Center. Appointment will initially be for one year, but is 
renewable for up to 2 years depending on interest and performance. Salary 
commensurate with experience ($38-40K).This position reports directly to 
Dr. Katherine L Gross, KBS Director. Applications should be submitted as a 
single pdf file and include a statement of interest, cv, and names and 
contact information for 3 professional references. For further information, 
contact Dr. Katherine L Gross 
<mailto:([EMAIL PROTECTED]).>([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Application review will 
begin 1 November 2007; apply to<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Proposed Research Focus Areas and Example Research Questions
1)      Pasture production:
a.       What combinations of species and grazing practices influence the 
quality and composition of pastures?
b.      How does water/irrigation/precipitation influence sustainability of 
pasture production? Nutrient losses? Animal production?
c.       How do other species (weeds, birds, mammals, insects, microbes 
etc) respond to variation in grazing practices and pasture composition?
2)      Nutrient management/cycling in grazed pastures
a.       How are nutrients used throughout the whole system by animals fed 
grain and grass, the LFL and LTER and what are the byproducts of the system?
b.      How do other non-nutrient components such as carbon dioxide and 
ammonia get utilized in the system?
3)      Animal health and welfare
a.       How does a grazing system affect the longevity, health and 
behavior of animals?
b.      Do grazing systems influence the transmission of diseases 
(epizootic and other)?
c.       What traits (genetic) influence the production, health and welfare 
of animals in grazed systems?
4)      Economic, Social and Food System
a.       How does food quality (milk, cheese, and other) change when 
animals are raised under different systems?
b.      What ecosystem services (indirect and direct) are provided by a 
pasture-based dairy system?
c.       What supply chains are affected (or will affect) the marketing of 
pasture-based dairy products?
What are impediments or enablers of these types of systems playing a 
significant role in the overall food system?

Jenny Smith, Secretary to Dr. Katherine L. Gross
W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
3700 E. Gull Lake Drive, Hickory Corners, MI 49060
Phone:  269/671-2354
FAX:     269/671-2351

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