
Just a list of invasives that are now so common that no body actually 
really see them anymore that way:

- Homo sapiens, commonly known as human or man
- House rat
- Domesticated pig
- Domesticated goat
- Killer bee
- etc.

Hope this helps!


Annie Drinkard wrote:
> Please respond directly to John Nielsen.
> Cheers,
> Annie
> ________________________________
> From: John Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:57 PM
> To: Annie Drinkard
> Cc: John Nielsen
> Subject: semi-silly question from John Nielsen
> Annie -
> Hi it's John Nielsen from NPR News. I am working on one of those stories
> that you hear over the holiday season, which is another way of saying
> it's based on a silly premise. Basically, it's a story that reports on
> the status of the five most loathed invasive species in the world.  I've
> got a few favorites in mind - zebra mussels, for example, and perhaps
> those cane toads - but I also want to give some actual scientists a
> chance to put their two cents in. 
> For that reason I am hoping you will help me out by posting a note on
> your listserve that asks  your members to consider sending me an email
> that names the five most despicable invasive species in the world. If
> they want to name just one or two that would be fine as well. If they
> want to send me a long rant about just one I would be grateful. If
> somebody wants to be interviewed they need only include a number and a
> time that I might call. 
> It's likely that this story will run late next week so naturally I'm a
> hurry.
> Please request that all responses be sent directly to me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] My work phone is 202 513 2781. 
> By now it should be clear that this will be an utterly unscientific
> survey. At the same time, I'm convinced that it'll help draw
> badly-needed attention to the problems caused by invasive species.
> One or two last things before I thank you and hit the "send" button.
> First, in hopes of keeping the list manageable, I'd like to ask your
> members not to nominate diseases.  Second, if you nominate a creature
> like a rat it would be best if you named a particular kind of rat. Third
> and last, please feel free to let your emotions fly. 
> Call if you have any questions.
> And thanks,
> John Nielsen
> Corrrespondent
> Science Desk
> NPR News 


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