Graduate Research Assistantship
Plant-Microbe Interactions and Biofuels
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sustainability is a key economic and environmental issue in bioenergy feedstock 
production. We 
are seeking graduate students working towards a MS or PhD to pursue research 
into the 
contribution of nitrogen-fixing bacterial endophytes to the sustainability of 
bioenergy crops. The 
proposed research is part of a large bioenergy research initiative at the 
University of Illinois. This 
work aims to identify and characterize diazotrophs that colonize potential 
bioenergy crops, to 
determine the magnitude of their contribution to plant N requirements, and to 
examine the 
ecological factors that influence the colonization and activity of 
nitrogen-fixing endophytes.

Applicants should be independent and highly motivated, preferably with academic 
research and/or 
field experience. Candidates must be able to work independently as well as part 
of a collaborative 
research team. Individuals with superior academic credentials and strong 
communication skills are 
encouraged to apply.

For additional information:

Support includes a Research Assistantship, tuition waiver, and excellent health 

Position available beginning in summer or fall of 2008.

Send preliminary e-mail letter of inquiry, describing research interests and 
qualifications, to Dr. Angela Kent ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


Angela Kent, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbial Ecology
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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