Thanks for the suggestions for an intro bio text.  Several people =20
asked me to post my replies.  They are posted below without attribution.


I think the new 8th ed. of Campbells is your best choice for the =20
following reasons:

  This is an introductory course and if you find single texts that =20
may be too advanced for your students.  Campbell is designed for a =20
two semester course as your describing and you may want to examine =20
the new 8th ed there have been some significant new changes from the =20
7th ed.

and finally... your students would have to buy 2 text books vs. one =20
and they would probably complain about that.

Take a look at Freeman and Herron "Evolutionary Analysis" from =20
Prentice Hall. If I had a course on evolution, that would be my =20
text.  Instead I use it as a supplement in my Ecology and Evolution =20
class.  I think it's excellent especially the first chapter on HIV =20
and "evolutionary thinking", and the many examples and applications =20
for Hardy-Weinberg.
I will be interested to see the responses you receive. I have similar =20=

concerns and am hoping to drag my department away from Campbell.  =20
Lawson's =93Biology: an inquiry approach=94 seems like a potential =20
alternative to Campbell, but sadly I haven't' been able to make time =20
to get beyond the pretty cover. It may not be an appropriate single =20
semester text but seems heavy on evolution, diversity, and ecology.

I would encourage you to contact the publisher. Many publishers will =20
now tailor a text to your specific needs.  We had Campbell and Reece =20
customized to our needs. I don't know the price, but I believe it was =20=

less expensive for the students. It was thinner and came in a soft =20
cover form--so the students could bring it to class. Basically, they =20
put together whatever chapters we requested.  I am now teaching Intro =20=

Bio at Quinnipiac University and using: Audesirk, Teresa and Gerald =20
Audesirk. 2008. Biology: Life on Earth. 8th Edition. Prentice Hall, =20
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 636pp.

I definitely DO NOT recommend this text. It does not cover any topic =20
in enough detail to let students get beyond a very cursory =20


I'm a recent Carleton alum and though this is an obviously biased =20
recommendation (as one of my profs was an author) I really liked the =20
into textbook we used: Raven...and Singer.


Dr. Michael C. Swift
Biology Dept.
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
Tel: 507-786-3886
Fax: 507-786-3968

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