JOB TITLE: Science Technician I =96 Plants Crew Leader

SUPERVISOR: Ellsworth Creek Ecologist
DATE: January 11, 2008
The Science Technician I =96 Plants Crew Leader will participate in researc=
h efforts that further The Nature Conservancy=92s terrestrial and aquatic r=
estoration goals at the Conservancy=92s Ellsworth Creek Preserve and throug=
hout southwestern Washington. A pivotal question for restoration concerns t=
he role old-growth forest remnants play in supporting biological diversity =
across the existing young-managed forest landscape. It is unknown if old-gr=
owth forest patches serve as =93lifeboats=94 for biological diversity, and,=
 if so, how placement of these stands across the landscape affects recoloni=
zation and recovery of managed forests. To investigate these questions, the=
 Conservancy is conducting a study to characterize elements of biological d=
iversity within remnant old-growth forest patches and young, managed forest=
 stands at Ellsworth Creek and other areas throughout the Willapa Hills of =
southwestern Washington.=20
The Science Technician I =96 Plants Crew Leader will partake in a rigorous =
survey of overstory and understory vegetation that is intended to provide a=
n assessment of forest composition and structure in old-growth and young, m=
anaged forests. Work involves installing and sampling plots in riparian and=
/or upland old-growth and managed forests. The nature of the work requires =
extended periods in the field (typically 9-11 hour days), often in inclemen=
t weather. The crew will be based in southwestern Washington, near the town=
s of Long Beach and possibly Bay Center and/or South Bend. Camping at sites=
 for several days may occasionally be required. This is a full-time, non-ex=
empt position supervised by the Ellsworth Creek Ecologist. This position is=
 expected to start June 9, 2008, and continue through September 26, 2008 (d=
ates slightly flexible).=20
1.       Serve as part of a seasonal vegetation crew (crew leader plus thre=
e technicians) responsible for conducting vegetation surveys in permanent p=
lots according to an established protocol.
2.       Supervise and efficiently coordinate activities for seasonal veget=
ation crew (including finding and reserving camping sites or other housing =
3.       Act as liaison between vegetation crew and Ellsworth Creek Ecologi=
4.       Assist with identification of appropriate study sites.
5.       Assist with location and installation of plots.
6.       Identify and estimate abundance of understory herbs, shrubs, grass=
es/sedges/rushes, seedlings, and saplings.=20
7.       Estimate abundance of non-vascular plants and substrate.
8.       Measure large woody debris and stumps.
9.       Measure overstory tree diameters, heights, and live crowns.
10.   Conduct surveys for mistletoe infestation.
11.   Collect macrolichen litterfall.
12.   Use taxonomic keys and dissecting scope to identify unknown plant spe=
13.   Prepare electronic data loggers for data collection in the field.
14.   Check data for accuracy and completeness.
15.   Enter data and manage electronic data files.
16.   Oversee bi-weekly completion of timesheets and other administrative t=
asks by crew.
17.   Perform miscellaneous office tasks (e.g., organizing equipment, liche=
n collections, etc.).
18.   May occasionally assist with coordination and planning of field effor=
ts and administrative tasks for other Ellsworth Creek field crews and super=
vision of interns and/or volunteers.
1.       Bachelor=92s degree in botany, ecology, biology, forestry, or clos=
ely related field.=20
2.       Previous field experience in sampling forest overstory and underst=
ory vegetation.=20
3.       Experience identifying flora in the Pacific Northwest.=20
4.       Ability to utilize a taxonomic key. =20
5.       Demonstrated ability to effectively coordinate and complete field =
related activities.
6.       Experience collecting and/or identifying lichens helpful, but not =
7.       Experience using an electronic data logger preferred.
8.       Demonstrated orienteering experience, including the use of topogra=
phic maps, aerial photography, and global positioning systems (GPS).=20
9.       Basic computer skills, including experience with Microsoft Excel. =
Experience with GIS preferred.
10.   Excellent communication skills, flexibility, and ability to work effe=
ctively as a team member.=20
11.   Strong organizational skills and high attention to detail. Ability to=
 manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Ability to meet project deadlines.
12.   Excellent physical condition and a good sense of humor.=20
13.   Valid driver=92s license required. Experience driving on forest roads=
 and using a 4-wheel drive vehicle preferred.
14.   Demonstrated commitment to the preservation of biological diversity.
Work requires long (10+ hour) days of physical exertion such as hiking with=
 heavy field gear over extremely steep terrain and through dense vegetation=
 and logging slash. Work is often done in remote, isolated areas and in ver=
y inclement (rainy, cold, and windy) weather conditions.
Crew leader will likely work approximately 1-5 hours of overtime per week o=
rganizing field crew, identifying unknown species, and downloading and revi=
ewing data.=20
Work weeks will typically consist of four 10-hour days. However, some days =
may extend longer due to the need to finish sampling in one location. This =
is generally compensated with subsequent shorter days. In addition, due to =
remoteness of some areas and the need to camp, some work weeks may extend l=
onger than four days. These weeks will be compensated with shorter subseque=
nt work weeks and/or more days off.=20
Camping at some sites will be required. Developed campgrounds will be used =
when available, but camping may also occur at undeveloped sites (i.e., no r=
unning water). Camping in rainy, cold weather is highly probable. =20
Crew members are expected to live together during the work week, either at =
camp sites (developed and undeveloped) or in group housing provided by the =
Conservancy. Private space will be provided when available, but is not guar=
anteed. Employees are expected to maintain clean and organized living space=
The Conservancy will also try to provide lodging facilities for crews durin=
g non-work days throughout the season. Lodging during non-work days will li=
kely consist of a combination of group housing and camping at developed cam=
p sites. This will require people to be flexible and accepting of a somewha=
t mobile lifestyle. Any lodging paid for by the Conservancy during non-work=
 days is considered a taxable benefit (i.e., employees must pay tax on the =
cost of lodging). Lodging cannot be provided for spouses/partners, children=
 or other dependents, or pets.
$14 / hour
Send resume, cover letter (include dates of availability), and a list of th=
ree references by March 14, 2008 to address below:  (In cover letter, pleas=
e indicate if you are interested in being on the crew if not selected as cr=
ew leader.)
Email:               [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =20
                        State =93Hiring Committee: Science Technician I =96=
 Plants Crew Leader=94 in subject heading.
Regular mail:    The Nature Conservancy=20
                        Washington Field Office
                        Hiring Committee: Science Technician I - Plants 1 C=
rew Leader
                        ATTN: Shauna Staukerbaum
                        1917 First Avenue
                        Seattle, WA  98101
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