Dear All,

The Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation (ITEC, offers a variety of field courses in the interesting Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panamá, including tropical ecology, tropical ornithology, ethnobotany and reef ecology among others. Courses are geared to both undergraduates and graduate students and college credit can be earned. Field trips and opportunities to explore local areas and nearby Costa Rica are also available. For more information, check out the web site.




     James J. Roper, Ph.D.

James J. Roper
Ecologia, Evolução e Dinâmicas Populacionais
de Vertebrados Terrestres
Caixa Postal 19034
81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Telefone: 55 41 33857249
celular: 55 41 99870543
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