Three field assistants are needed to assist with NASA-funded research by the UW-Madison Forest Ecosystem Remote Sensing Lab in WI and MN forests for the summer of 2008. Students are needed around June 1, 2008 through August 15, 2008, with the potential to continue as lab assistants into the fall.

Work involves sampling in jackpine, spruce-fir, ash and northern hardwood stands in NW Wisconsin and northern Minnesota. The work will require travel, generally for 5-7 days at a time. Lodging during extended travel may include a mix of field stations and occasional camping. Although most of the work is in Wisconsin and Minnesota, one 7-10 day trip to the Appalachians may also occur at in early August.

We will be sampling forest composition and tree physiological properties. Some of the work will involve basic forest inventory, while other efforts will include various measurements of leaves retrieved from the forest canopy. At least one of the field assistants should be experienced and comfortable using a 12-gauge shotgun, which will be use to shoot leaves out of the tree canopies. Other efforts include species identification, collection and labeling of leaves sampled from the trees, and making measurements of the leaves using a field spectroradiometer and other devices. Love of the outdoors and forests a must! Academic interest in ecology and the environment also helpful.

For more information and to apply, please contact:
Clayton Kingdon
Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin
Phone: 608-262-3296

Phil Townsend
Associate Professor

Forest Remote Sensing Lab

Forest & Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI  53706

phone: 608.262.1669 fax: 608.262.9922

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