Wetlands Restoration and Avian Ecology Research in the Mojave Desert
Summer 2008 Internships with the University of California, Santa Barbara

We want to determine the availability of applicants for field
internships for a regional wetlands and riparian habitat restoration
project spanning southern Nevada and portions of three adjacent
states. We are researching the success of past habitat restoration
efforts and conducting new restoration in Mojave Desert oasis and
riparian habitats, including vegetation inventory, avian and insect
communities, GIS, invasive species control, prescribed fire, simulated
biocontrol, and native plantings. The overall focus is vegetation and
avian community inventory and research to develop more effective
control of salt cedar (Tamarix spp.) and its many secondary plant
invaders. The research sites are widely scattered across the Mojave
Desert region, with the base of field operations in the Las Vegas (NV)

DUTIES: Habitat inventory and research tasks emphasize plant and avian
ecology, and field and office GPS/GIS applications. For field
reconnaissance, interns will use field (backpack) GPS/GIS technology,
including a sub-meter Trimble Pathfinder ProXT GPS unit, handheld
computer, Windows Mobile 5, and ArcPad GIS software.

EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE/SKILLS: College undergraduates, recent graduates,
and others, are encouraged to reply as to their availability for
summer internships, with minorities especially welcome. A working
knowledge and demonstrated experience in vegetation inventory, avian
ecology, and/or GIS (ArcView GIS 3.3 and/or ArcGIS 9.2) are required.
A background in plant ecology, ornithology, biology, botany, forestry,
computer science, statistics, or a related discipline is also
required, as well as experience with habitat assessment and bird
and/or plant identification. Successful candidates will be expected to
be conscientious self-starters capable of independent work and timely
project completion.

CONDITIONS: Potential applicants should be capable of vigorous
physical activity (e.g., working long hours outdoors in hot, rainy,
and buggy weather; able to hike with a 40-pound pack across uneven
terrain). The normal work week will consist of five eight-hour days,
though working longer days and weekends may be necessary.

Internship positions are expected to start in May 2008 on either a
seasonal or continuing basis, depending on applicant availability.
Interns will be provided liability protection, free lodging, a field
vehicle, and an hourly wage of $9-$16, depending on experience. Health
insurance and other benefits are not included.

PROJECT INVESTIGATORS: Interns will work with several project
investigators, including:

Matt Brooks, Ph.D., Principal Investigator and Research Ecologist,
U.S. Geological Survey, Fresno, CA, and Henderson, NV

Tom Dudley, Ph.D., Lead Principal Investigator and Research Biologist,
UC-Santa Barbara

Tom Hayes, Ph.D., Research Manager, UC-Santa Barbara

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Please respond immediately, since internships
are expected to start in May 2008 and will have priority in order of
receipt. However, additional intern openings will be available
throughout the 2.5-year project. Please direct any questions, or
requests for further information, to Dr. Tom Hayes (below).

Email inquiries are preferred. To indicate your availability, please
send a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to: Dr. Tom
Hayes. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telephone: 715-630-4412.

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