Summer Field Courses in Organismal Biology in Highlands, North Carolina

The Highlands Biological Station in Highlands, North Carolina, is offering
its 2008 series of summer courses and workshops. HBS is an
inter-institutional research center of the University of North Carolina.
Highlands, North Carolina, is located in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains,
at an average elevation about 3,800 feet, and situated near the Nantahala
National Forest, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cherokee Indian
Reservation, Appalachian Trail, Blue Ridge Parkway, and numerous other
national reserves.
This year’s course offerings (and professors) are:
-Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders (Steve Tilley-Smith College) 19-31 May
-Mammals of the Southern Appalachians (Wayne Van Devender-Appalachian State
Univ) 2-14 June
-Biodiversity and Conservation of Birds (Rob Bierregaard-UNC-Charlotte)
16-28 June
-Microbial Ecology (Sean O’Connell-Western Carolina Univ) 30 June-12 July
-Fleshy Fungi of the Highlands Plateau (Andy Methven-Eastern Illinois Univ)
14-26 July
-Spiders of the Southern Appalachians (Kefyn Catley-Western Carolina Univ)
28 July-9 Aug
This year’s workships are:
-Graminoids (Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes) of the Southern Appalachians
(Dwayne Estes-Austin Peay Univ) 12-17 May
-Scientific Illustration (Nancy Lowe-Atlanta Botanical Garden) 7-12 July
-Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddisflies of the Southern Appalachians (John
Morse-Clemson) dates TBA
Course descriptions and applications can be found at
Courses cost $400 per two-week course, plus $80 if taken for credit (four
hours) and $50-$100 per week for housing. Financial assistance is available.
For more information please call or email: 828.526.2602 or [log in to unmask]
Highlands Biological Station
265 N. Sixth Street
Highlands, NC 28741
TEL 828-526-2602
FAX 828-526-2797

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