Liscombe Lodge Resort
Nova Scotia, Canada
8-12 August 2008


Please see our website <> for more information.

Situated in a tranquil riverside setting, along Nova Scotia's beautiful Eastern Shore, the CNS meetings at Liscombe Lodge <> provide a stimulating Conference experience. The entire meeting ─ talks, meals, and social events ─ are taken in a group setting. This provides attendees with opportunities for in-depth discussions among students and scientists from diverse backgrounds in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. In the immediate vicinity, there are numerous outdoor activities to enjoy before and after the sessions.

Our Symposia are characterized by:

Longer conference presentations with open discussions and varied topics, serving both established and young scientists

Distinctive, intimate conference locations where members can build connections and relationships

As part of the Comparative Nutrition Society’s goal of encouraging young scientists, the following awards are available:

Two Student Travel Awards ($1,000 each and meeting registration waived)
* The Susan Crissey Memorial Scholarship recognizes student research in captive animals * The Malcolm Ramsey Memorial Scholarship recognizes student research in field animals

Three Student Presentation Awards ($500 each) for best oral and poster presentations

Who are we?

* A cross-disciplinary Society with members interested in all aspects of comparative animal nutrition including nutrition of wildlife, livestock and humans; nutritional ecology; digestive physiology; biochemistry; and conservation

* CNS members are from academia, commerce, government, and animal husbandry (including zoos and aquaria)

We look forward to seeing you in August!

Best wishes,
Karen A. Bjorndal
President, CNS

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