>From: Monica Pisica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: [ECOLOG-L] correspondence and detrended correspondence analysis  
>Hi, I hope someone knows the answer to this or has a real good
> reference about it (I am using Legendre & Legendre, Numerical
> Ecology, 1998).... My data is a data.frame with locations as
> rows and vegetation assemblages / species as columns. I've
> done a PCA, a correspondance analysis (CA) and a detrended
> correspondance analysis (DCA) using contributed packages to
>R (R is the open source for S-PLUS at http://cran.r-project.org/).

This looks like an excellent post for the R-sig-ecology listserv that was just 
announced. Join us:


Dave Hewitt
Research Fishery Biologist
USGS Klamath Falls Field Station (OR)
VIMS, College of William & Mary (VA)

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