The Sierra Nevada Research Center (a US Forest Service research unit) is 
hiring research assistants for summer work in California's Sierra Nevada 
range. Work supports ecological research on forest management treatments 
that reduce fire hazard. Duties vary with location but may include 1) 
measuring fuel moisture and microclimate in experimentally treated plots,2) 
rapid assessment of forest stand structure in raptor activity areas, 3) 
measurement of plant species composition and cover, forest structure, and 
fuels in montane forests, or 4) mapping of treated stands with a surveyor's 
transit. Work may begin as early as 27 May. A bachelor's degree or 
equivalent experience in biological or natural resource science is 
required.To apply, or for more information, go to, and 
search for vacancy announcement DE-PSW-0404-5-PLNT. The job will be posted 
from 29 April to 5 May. Only applications made during this time via the 
USAJOBS website can be accepted.

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