The Department of Geography DendroLab at the University of Nevada, Reno,
invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the area of
landscape-level modeling applied to tree ring records of environmental
change. This position is available starting on August 15, 2008, and is
funded at least until February 2010 as part of a current agreement between
the University and the Bureau of Land Management within the framework of the
Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit. The overall purpose of this
agreement is to provide scientific information on the interaction between
climate, wildfire regime, and tree population dynamics in pinyon-juniper
ecosystems, with special emphasis on annual to decadal time scales for the
periods before and after Euro-American settlement. The post-doc will be
responsible for the overall integration, modeling, and scaling-up of field
and laboratory data, to arrive at spatial simulations of landscape patterns
over time. Required qualifications are an earned Ph.D. in Geography, Applied
Statistics, Landscape Ecology, Forestry or a related field at the time of
appointment. In addition, the applicant will need to demonstrate expertise
in one of the following areas: numerical analysis of large datasets using a
statistical package, such as SAS, R, or Matlab; modeling of spatial and
temporal processes; C++ programming; process modeling of tree population
dynamics, of wildfire regime, or of tree-ring formation. Desired
qualifications include ability to perform interdisciplinary research, good
communication skills, and a minimum of two relevant peer-reviewed articles
(either submitted, in press, or published). Salary and benefits are
competitive, and the Department of Geography is expanding its research
programs, which opens the door to future opportunities for highly motivated
individuals. Questions on the position, as well as applications materials,
including a statement of research experience and interests, curriculum
vitae, and contact information for three professional references, can be
sent directly to Dr. Franco Biondi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please bring this
opportunity to the attention of any possible candidates, and apologies for
any cross-postings.

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