Dear Colleagues,

I would like to make you aware of a special issue on behavioral indicators for conservation that has been published in the last couple of weeks in the Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution. The contents are pasted below. For further information about this issue or about the journal, please check the link http://

Best wishes,

Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution Vol. 53, Nos. 3–4, 2007

Guest Editors: Burt P. Kotler, Douglas W. Morris, and Joel S. Brown

IJEE Soapbox: The unraveling of nature’s information webs: The next depressing frontier in conservation? R.D. Holt 229

Behavioral indicators and conservation: Wielding “the biologist’s tricorder” B.P. Kotler, D.W. Morris, and J.S. Brown 237 Relationship between stopover site choice of migrating sandpipers, their population status, and environmental stressors C.M. Taylor, D.B. Lank, A.C. Pomeroy, and R.C. Ydenberg 245 On the missed opportunity cost, GUD, and estimating environmental quality O. Olsson and M.N. Molokwu 263 Augmenting population monitoring programs with behavioral indicators during ecological restorations C.J. Whelan and D.M. Jedlicka 279 It’s the “foodscape”, not the landscape: Using foraging behavior to make functional assessments of landscape condition K.R. Searle, N.T. Hobbs, and I.J. Gordon 297 Habitat quality estimated from head-dipping time in trampling swans B.A. Nolet, T. de Boer, and P.P. de Vries 317 Digestive organ size and behavior of red knots (Calidris canutus) indicate the quality of their benthic food stocks J.A. van Gils, A. Dekinga, P.J. van den Hout, B. Spaans, and T. Piersma 329 A behavioral indicator of prey patch richness derived from diving behavior: The proportion of residence time to the standard time Y. Mori, Y. Mitani, Y. Watanabe, and K. Sato 347 Behavioral indicators in marine conservation: Lessons from a pristine seagrass ecosystem M.R. Heithaus, A.J. Wirsing, A. Frid, and L.M. Dill 355 Is density-dependent resource harvest a reliable habitat indicator for conserva- tion and management? D.W. Morris and S. Mukherjee 371 Behavioral indicators of predator space use: Studying species interactions
through the behavior of predators K.A. Schmidt and E.M. Schauber 389
Foraging behavior of benthic fish as an indicator of ecosystem state in shallow lakes. A. Persson and E. Nilsson 407 Indicators of adaptive responses in home range utilization and movement pat-
terns by a large mammalian herbivore N. Owen-Smith and J.W. Cain III 423
Applying fecal endocrine monitoring to conservation and behavior studies of wild mammals: Important considerations and preliminary tests
N. Wielebnowski and J. Watters 439
Guidelines for contributors 461

Leon Blaustein

Community Ecology Laboratory
Institute of Evolution and Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology
Faculty of Sciences
University of Haifa, Haifa 31905  Israel
Tel. 972-4-8240736 (office)
Tel. 972-4-9998881 (home)
Institute Fax:  972-4-8246554
Alternative e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chief Editor, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

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