This is a paid internship with our award-winning Conservation and Land
Management Internship Program, a partnership between the Chicago Botanic
Garden, Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service. This
opportunity will fill quickly so we suggest you don't delay. 


For the successful candidate, duties will include monitoring terrestrial
habitat  including the collection, evaluation and reporting of
terrestrial wildlife and plant habitat (including Special Status
Species, i.e. Sage Grouse, Pygmy rabbit, Mountain Plover, Black-footed
ferret, Blowout penstemon) and many other sage steppe dependant species;
monitoring areas of gas and oil disturbances to determine the success of
reclamation practices and to document the effectiveness of native plant
re-establishment;  assisting the fire ecologist in monitoring the
effects of range and forest improvement projects to determine success of
projects;  and monitoring changes and effects to plant and wildlife
communities as a result of manipulations from fire, chemical and
mechanical treatments.


The intern will also work with application of shrub/grass vegetation
treatments: this will entail aspects of project planning, restoration
seed collection, monitoring and assessment of gas and oil related
disturbances as well as prescribed fire and range improvement
monitoring.   Treatments will benefit wildlife species, botanical
resources, threatened, endangered or BLM special status species of
plants and animals, watershed health, livestock grazing, wild horse
habitat and multiple resource needs. Projects will contribute to over
1000 acres that promote growth and/or vigor of sage-steppe, salt desert
shrub and or aspen/mountain shrub vegetation types specifically to
benefit wild horse and livestock grazing, wildlife /plant habitat and
watershed health.

Intern involvement will include aspects of project planning, monitoring
and environmental assessments, work preparation, supply acquisitions,
cleanup at completion, GIS/GPS support, data management,
contracts/interagency agreements. Information is used to implemented
management goals and objectives at a landscape scale.


For further information about this valuable program, please visit our


To apply please send your resume, cover letter, college transcripts and
three letters of recommendation to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]






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