Postdoctoral Position Available in Pollination Ecology   A postdoctoral
position is available to investigate native bees as providers of
ecosystem services in agricultural and natural settings. The position
will begin as soon as a qualified applicant is found and is available
for two years with the possibility of extension to a third year.
Qualifications: a Ph.D. in ecology & evolution, entomology, or a related
field; demonstrated expertise in collecting field data and managing
large field research projects; excellent organizational skills; and
strong data analysis and writing skills. Preference will be given to
applicants with prior experience working with native bees. Landscape
ecology, GIS and modeling skills would be welcomed but are not
essential. The position will be based in the Department of Entomology,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ. To
apply, send curriculum vitae, statement of interest and qualifications,
names and contact info for three references, and up to three relevant
publications to: Dr Rachael Winfree, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Applications will be received until a suitable applicant is found.
Applicants who will be attending the ESA meeting in Milwaukee should
contact Rachael Winfree to set up an interview. See for more info. 

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