Ph.D. position: Accounting for risk in sustainable forest management

Domain of study: Forest management – Accounting for risk in decision-making
– Strategic planning

Description of research: What level of forest harvesting is sustainable
without degrading the forest ecosystem upon which it depends? In Québec,
allowable harvest levels are currently estimated from projections of
management activities and forest growth over a 150yr time horizon. Such
projections depend on many hypotheses and incorporate many sources of error
and uncertainty.  In other areas of renewable resource management, such as
wildlife conservation, waterfowl hunting or fisheries, the need to account
for risk in the decision-making process has always been clear, e.g. from
unexpected and dramatic fluctuations in the managed population. Population
viability analysis (PVA) is a methodology developed to quantify risks and to
evaluate the expected results of alternative management strategies. The
objective of our project is to adapt PVA for use as a risk analysis tool for
forest planning. The project will focus on a pilot forest management area in
Abitibi, Quebec.

The successful applicant will join a multi-university research program that
offers many opportunities for interaction with leading researchers and
decision makers in industry and government. The project is financed by the
FQRNT; the PhD position includes a full 4yr scholarship.

A training session in PVA applications in forestry will be offered in the
laboratory of Dr. Buongiorno (U. Wisconsin, Madison).

Profile of potential candidates:
- Education in forest sciences, biology, applied mathematics, statistics,
operations research or other quantitative disciplines,
- Preference will be given to candidates demonstrating a strong potential in
the use and analysis of quantitative data.

Study program :
Doctorat en Sciences, Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt,
Université Laval (, Québec.
Note that although the language of instruction at Université Laval is
French, one's thesis may be written in English

Interested candidates can reach:

Frédéric Raulier : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steve Cumming : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jean-Martin Lussier : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Professeur adjoint, Aménagement Forestier
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Université Laval, Québec, Canada, G1K 7P4
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, local 2145B 
Téléphone : (418) 656-2131 ext 6742
Télécopieur : (418) 656-5262

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