Two post-doctoral positions

Ecosystem services, Biodiversity and Biofuel Agroecosystems
University of Wisconsin-Madison

We are seeking two highly motivated postdocs to work across the disciplines
of community, ecosystem, and landscape ecology as part of a large
interdisciplinary team evaluating the sustainability of potential cellulosic
biofuel cropping systems.  The focus of this work is measuring biodiversity
and biogeochemical responses and linking them to key ecosystem services. 
These positions are supported by the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
(GLBRC; housed at the University of

One postdoc will be expected to measure insect biological control in biofuel
crops at the landscape-level.  Expertise in entomology, predator-prey
interactions, and experimental design is required.  Ability to analyze and
interpret spatially-explicit data is preferred.  Familiarity with ArcGIS and
simulation models desirable.

One postdoc will be expected to measure carbon and nitrogen stocks and
fluxes, including NPP, greenhouse gases, and decomposition, in addition to
characterizing herbaceous plant communities. Expertise in linking diversity
and productivity in grassland ecosystems is preferred. Ability to perform
ordination and run ecosystem simulation models such as EPIC or DAYCENT

We expect these two postdocs will integrate research questions in their
respective  biodiversity and biogeochemical response experiments. 
Successful applicants will be required to develop new and independent
research directions while helping to fulfill the mission of the GLBRC, which
is to overcome the bottlenecks on developing a sustainable cellulosic
ethanol economy.  

To apply, please send a single pdf file including 1) a cover letter
explaining background and interest in the position, 2) a current CV, 3)
representative publications or other writing samples, and 4) a list of 3
references to either Dr. Claudio Gratton (Entomology, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Dr. Randy Jackson (Agronomy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Target start date is
January 2009.  Positions are annual with possibility to extend an additional
1 to 2 years contingent upon progress.

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