The announcement is found at:

The deadline for application is 23 January 2009.

Professorship in Weed Biology
at the Department of Crop Production Ecology, Uppsala

Duties: The successful candidate will be
responsible for the scientific leadership and
development of the research area of weed
biology. This includes the basic ecology of weeds
in field crops, the interaction between weeds and
the crop, and the development of sustainable
weed control strategies. The professor will interact
with the agricultural industry in order to supply the
best possible knowledge and research results to
develop management measures that can be used
in commercial production. The appointed
Professor shall supervise PhD students and will
be responsible for planning and development, as
well as contribute to teaching of courses in weed
biology for all levels of education, including
undergraduate and graduate courses.

Eligibility: A person shall be eligible for
appointment to a position as a professor if she/he
has demonstrated scientific and teaching
proficiency. Equal effort shall be devoted to
determining the applicant’s teaching proficiency as
to determining her/his scientific proficiency.
Assessment criteria when appointing a professor
is the extent of the candidate’s scientific and
pedagogical skills of relevance to the subject
contents of the appointment and to the
assignments of the appointment. In addition, the
degree of administrative and other skills of
importance to the subject contents for the
appointment and the duties included in the
appointment shall also be taken into account. In
addition, the degree of skill in developing and
leading activities and staff at the university and the
ability to collaborate with the outside community
and convey information on research and
development work shall also be taken into
account. Of these considerations special attention
will be given to the applicant’s scientific and
pedagogical skills.
The scientific and pedagogic documentation
submitted in support of the application shall be
indicated in the application, and one copy of each
document shall be made available to the Registrar
at the time of application. At most 10 scientific
publications and at most 10 pedagogic
publications, including popularized versions,
should be submitted in support of the application.
In addition a complete list of publications shall be
supplied; the publications submitted with the
application must be indicated.
When all three expert reviewers have been
appointed, the applicant(s) will be informed to
send copies of the documentation listed in the
application to each one of the reviewers.

SLU is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
University salaries are set on an individual basis.

Further information concerning this
position can be obtained from the
Head of the department, professor
Barbara Ekbom, phone no + 46(0)18-672625,

Union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO +46 – (0)18 67 31 37
Monica Östman, ST +46 (0)18-67 15 36

A guide for applicants -
"Appointment procedures for SLU"
and a "Memorandum for Guidance in
connection with applications for
appointment/promotion to professor
and senior lecturer at SLU" can be
found at
or obtained from senior
administrative officer Magdalena
Fagerberg, phone no
+46 (0)18-671047, e-mail
who will answer all queries pertaining
to formal procedures.
The outline used in these
documents should be followed in the
personal record/list of qualifications
and publications.

An application, marked with the ref
no 3579/08 should be submitted to
the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070,
SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden no
later than January 23, 2009.
The application should be in English.

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