New Issue Announcement

Volume 13, Issue 2 | December 2008

Editors-in-Chief Carl Folke and Lance Gunderson are pleased to announce the
publication of Volume 13, Issue 2 of Ecology and Society
( Highlights of this issue
include Carpenter and Brock's contribution, Adaptive Capacity and Traps,
which proposes a model from which insights into general properties of traps
in social–ecological systems can be derived (see: 

Also published in this issue is a description of the 2008 Science and
Practice of Ecology and Society Award Winner, titled Omora Ethnobotanical
Park and the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve by Eugene Hargrove and
colleagues ( 

Lastly, December marks the close of the special feature The Influence of
Human Demography and Agriculture on Natural Systems in the Neotropics edited
by Ricardo Grau, Mitch Aide, and Ariel Lugo, which explores human-driven
landuse and landcover changes in the Neotropics and the opportunities and
challenges presented by those changes

A full table of contents is appended below. To read the full text of any
article in the issue, please go to



A Different Future
Lance Gunderson and Carl Folke

Guest Editorial

Globalization and Land-Use Transitions in Latin America
H. Ricardo Grau and Mitchell Aide

Perspective (SPES Award Winner)

Omora Ethnobotanical Park and the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve
Eugene C. Hargrove, Mary T. K. Arroyo, Peter H. Raven, and Harold Mooney 


Agricultural Abandonment, Suburban Growth, and Forest Expansion in Puerto
Rico between 1991 and 2000
Isabel K. Parés-Ramos, William A. Gould, and T. Mitchell Aide 

Thirty Years of Human Demography and Land-Use Change in the Atlantic Forest
of Misiones, Argentina: an Evaluation of the Forest Transition Model 
Andrea E. Izquierdo, Carlos D. De Angelo, and T. Mitchell Aide 

Adaptive Management and Social Learning in Collaborative and Community-Based
Monitoring: a Study of Five Community-Based Forestry Organizations in the
western USA
Maria E. Fernandez-Gimenez, Heidi L. Ballard, and Victoria E. Sturtevant 

Metropolitanization and Forest Recovery in Southern Brazil: a Multiscale
Analysis of the Florianópolis City-Region, Santa Catarina State, 1970 to 2005
Sandra R. Baptista 

Land-Use and Land Cover Dynamics in South American Temperate Grasslands 
Germán Baldi and José M. Paruelo 

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Learning 
Deana D. Pennington 

The Dynamics of Social Capital in Influencing Use of Soil Management Options
in the Chinyanja Triangle of Southern Africa 
Jemimah M. Njuki, Mariam T. Mapila, Shamie Zingore, and Robert Delve 

Wildfire and Spatial Patterns in Forests in Northwestern Mexico: The United
States Wishes It Had Similar Fire Problems 
Scott L. Stephens, Danny L. Fry, and Ernesto Franco-Vizcaíno 

Regional Variation in Non-Timber Forest Product Harvest Strategies, Trade,
and Ecological Impacts: the Case of Black Dammar (Canarium strictum Roxb.)
Use and Conservation in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India 
Anita Varghese and Tamara Ticktin 

Integrating Data, Biology, and Decision Models for Invasive Species
Management: Application to Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) 
Ayaz Hyder, Brian Leung, and Zewei Miao 

Risk Mapping of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Distribution and Spread 
A. Townsend Peterson and Richard A. J. Williams 

Historical, Demographic, and Economic Correlates of Land-Use Change in the
Republic of Panama 
Stuart Joseph Wright and Mirna Julieta Samaniego 

Biological and Ecological Mechanisms Supporting Marine Self-Governance: the
Seri Callo de Hacha Fishery in Mexico 
Xavier Basurto 

Managing Waters of the Paraíba do Sul River Basin, Brazil: a Case Study in
Institutional Change and Social Learning 
Lori M. Kumler and Maria Carmen Lemos 

Resilience in Lower Columbia River Salmon Communities 
Irene E. Martin 

Why Forests Are Important for Global Poverty Alleviation: a Spatial Explanation 
William D. Sunderlin, Sonya Dewi, Atie Puntodewo, Daniel Müller, Arild
Angelsen, and Michael Epprecht 

Modification of Land Cover in a Traditional Agroforestry System in Spain:
Processes of Tree Expansion and Regression 
Tobias Plieninger and Michael Schaar 

Wild Bird Movements and Avian Influenza Risk Mapping in Southern Africa 
Graeme S. Cumming, Philip A. R. Hockey, Leo W. Bruinzeel, and Morne A. Du

Outcomes of State- vs. Community-Based Mangrove Management in Southern Thailand 
Chanyut Sudtongkong and Edward L. Webb 

Toward a Relational Concept of Uncertainty: about Knowing Too Little,
Knowing Too Differently, and Accepting Not to Know 
Marcela Brugnach, Art Dewulf, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, and Tharsi Taillieu 

Adaptations of a Yucatec Maya Multiple-Use Ecological Management Strategy to
Eduardo García-Frapolli, Víctor M. Toledo, and Joan Martinez-Alier 

Practices and Lessons Learned in Coping with Climatic Hazards at the
River-Basin Scale: Floods and Droughts 
Valentina Krysanova, Hendrik Buiteveld, Dagmar Haase, Fred F. Hattermann,
Kate van Niekerk, Koen Roest, Pedro Martínez-Santos, and Maja Schlüter 

Hunting for Livelihood in Northeast Gabon: Patterns, Evolution, and
Nathalie van Vliet and Robert Nasi 

Integration of Local Ecological Knowledge and Conventional Science: a Study
of Seven Community-Based Forestry Organizations in the USA 
Heidi L. Ballard, Maria E. Fernandez-Gimenez, and Victoria E. Sturtevant 

Social Movements and Ecosystem Services—the Role of Social Network Structure
in Protecting and Managing Urban Green Areas in Stockholm 
Henrik Ernstson, Sverker Sörlin, and Thomas Elmqvist 

Will Wallace’s Line Save Australia from Avian Influenza? 
Hamish I. McCallum, David A. Roshier, John P. Tracey, Leo Joseph, and Robert

Making Investments in Dryland Development Work: Participatory Scenario
Planning in the Makanya Catchment, Tanzania 
Elin I. Enfors, Line J. Gordon, Garry D. Peterson, and Deborah Bossio 

Exploring the Role of Private Wildlife Ranching as a Conservation Tool in
South Africa: Stakeholder Perspectives 
Jenny A. Cousins, Jon P. Sadler, and James Evans 

What Constitutes Success in Pacific Island Community Conserved Areas? 
Joanna C. Axford, Marc T. Hockings, and R W. (Bill) Carter 

Green Light for Nocturnally Migrating Birds 
Hanneke Poot, Bruno J. Ens, Han de Vries, Maurice A. H. Donners, Marcel R.
Wernand, and Joop M. Marquenie 

A Spatially Explicit Decision Support System for Watershed-Scale Management
of Salmon
E. Ashley Steel, Aimee Fullerton, Yuko Caras, Mindi B. Sheer, Patricia
Olson, David Jensen, Jennifer Burke, Michael Maher, and Paul McElhany

Mapping the World’s Intact Forest Landscapes by Remote Sensing 
Peter Potapov, Aleksey Yaroshenko, Svetlana Turubanova, Maxim Dubinin, Lars
Laestadius, Christoph Thies, Dmitry Aksenov, Aleksey Egorov, Yelena
Yesipova, Igor Glushkov, Mikhail Karpachevskiy, Anna Kostikova, Alexander
Manisha, Ekaterina Tsybikova, and Ilona Zhuravleva 

Rehabilitation of an Incised Stream Using Plant Materials: the Dominance of
Geomorphic Processes 
F. Douglas Shields, Jr., S. Reza Pezeshki, Glen V. Wilson, Weiming Wu, and
Seth M. Dabney 

State-Led Ecotourism Development and Nature Conservation: a Case Study of
the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve, China 
Jianqiong Yuan, Limin Dai, and Qingli Wang 

Tropical Deforestation, Community Forests, and Protected Areas in the Maya
David Barton Bray, Elvira Duran, Victor Hugo Ramos, Jean-Francois Mas,
Alejandro Velazquez, Roan Balas McNab, Deborah Barry, and Jeremy Radachowsky 


What Is the Vulnerability of a Food System to Global Environmental Change? 
Polly J. Ericksen 

Linking Flow Regime and Water Quality in Rivers: a Challenge to Adaptive
Catchment Management 
Christer Nilsson and Birgitta Malm Renöfält 

Evaluation of a Participatory Resource Monitoring System for Nontimber
Forest Products: the Case of Amla (Phyllanthus spp.) Fruit Harvest by
Soligas in South India 
R. Siddappa Setty, Kamal Bawa, Tamara Ticktin, and C. Made Gowda 

Sensitivity of the Colorado Plateau to Change: Climate, Ecosystems, and Society 
Susan Schwinning, Jayne Belnap, David R. Bowling, and James R. Ehleringer 

>From Premise to Practice: a Critical Assessment of Integrated Water
Resources Management and Adaptive Management Approaches in the Water Sector 
Wietske Medema, Brian S. McIntosh, and Paul J. Jeffrey 

Institutions for Managing Resilient Salmon (Oncorhynchus Spp.) Ecosystems:
the Role of Incentives and Transaction Costs 
Susan S. Hanna 

Balancing Accuracy and Meaning in Common-Pool Resource Theory 
Michael Cox 

Epistemological Pluralism: Reorganizing Interdisciplinary Research 
Thaddeus R. Miller, Timothy D. Baird, Caitlin M. Littlefield, Gary Kofinas,
F. Stuart Chapin III, and Charles L. Redman 

The Influence of Philosophical Perspectives in Integrative Research: a
Conservation Case Study in the Cairngorms National Park 
Anna C. Evely, Ioan Fazey, Michelle Pinard, and Xavier Lambin 


Urban Forest and Rural Cities: Multi-sited Households, Consumption Patterns,
and Forest Resources in Amazonia 
Christine Padoch, Eduardo Brondizio, Sandra Costa, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez,
Robin R. Sears, and Andrea Siqueira 

>From Invisibility to Transparency: Identifying the Implications 
Nancy J. Turner, Robin Gregory, Cheryl Brooks, Lee Failing, and Terre

Rethinking the Galapagos Islands as a Complex Social-Ecological System:
Implications for Conservation and Management 
José A. González, Carlos Montes, José Rodríguez, and Washington Tapia 

Public Health and Epidemiological Considerations For Avian Influenza Risk
Mapping and Risk Assessment 
Joseph P. Dudley 

Competing Claims on Natural Resources: What Role for Science? 
Ken E. Giller, Cees Leeuwis, Jens A. Andersson, Wim Andriesse, Arie Brouwer,
Peter Frost, Paul Hebinck, Ignas Heitkönig, Martin K. van Ittersum, Niek
Koning, Ruerd Ruben, Maja Slingerland, Henk Udo, Tom Veldkamp, Claudius van
de Vijver, Mark T. van Wijk, and Pieter Windmeijer 

Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon Needs More than Approved Forest
Management Plans 
Paolo Omar Cerutti, Robert Nasi, and Luca Tacconi 

Avian Information Systems: Developing Web-Based Bird Avoidance Models 
Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Willem Bouten, Luit Buurma, Russell DeFusco, Arie
Dekker, Henk Sierdsema, Floris Sluiter, Jelmer van Belle, Hans van Gasteren,
and Emiel van Loon

Adaptive Capacity and Traps 
Stephen R. Carpenter and William A. Brock 

Mechanisms to Improve Integrative Research at the Science-Policy Interface
for Sustainable Catchment Management 
Christopher (Kit) J. A. Macleod, Kirsty L. Blackstock, and Phil M. Haygarth 

Rethinking Partnerships with the Aim of Producing Knowledge with Practical
Relevance: a Case Study in the Field of Ecological Restoration 
Héloïse Gonzalo-Turpin, Nathalie Couix, and Laurent Hazard 


Science Explicitly for Nonscientists
A response to: Lakshminarayanan. 2007. “Using Citizens to Do Science Versus
Citizens as Scientists”
Caren B. Cooper, Janis L. Dickinson, Tina Phillips, and Rick Bonney 

Ecology and Society is published by the Resilience Alliance. For more
information about Resilience Alliance publishing, please contact Michelle
Lee (


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