graduate research assistantship at the M.S./PhD. level is available in the Invasive Plant Ecology Laboratory of Dr. Tarasoff at the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University. The successful applicant will lead a project studying the movement of invasive species along Great Lake shorelines. As the project is experiment-based, extensive field work will be required. However, it is expected that the student will develop complimentary greenhouse experiments.

A background in forestry, botany, community ecology, ecosystem modeling, aquatic ecology, weed science, or agronomy is desirable; as well as, an interest in the application of statistical methods, spatial modeling and applied ecology. Proficiency in spoken and written English is a necessity.

Michigan Tech is one of the Nation’s premier Forestry and Environmental Science Universities. The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science has been ranked *fourth in the nation* for scholarly productivity among forestry schools, and *first in North America* based on citations per faculty member.

Consideration of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The ideal start date is September 1, 2009 but other dates will be considered.

Interested applicants are encouraged to send a letter stating your interest in the program and a resume to Dr. Tarasoff by email at <>

Catherine Tarasoff – Invasive Plant Ecologist

School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences

1400 Townsend Drive
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI


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