Attention All ESA Students and Faculty,

The ESA Student Section is pleased to sponsor the Second Annual
Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards program. We will award two
students, cash prizes for excellence in research via an outstanding
publication. There are awards for both UNDERGRADUATE and GRADUATE research
so don't miss out!


ELIGIBILITY AND NOMINATION: At the time of the nomination deadline (SUNDAY
MAY 31th), the paper must be published in a peer reviewed journal
(2007-2009) and the nominee must be an undergraduate student, a graduate
student, or have received a Ph.D. within the past two years. The nominee
must be first author of the paper and be a member in good standing of
ESA's Student Section at the time of nomination. Awards will be granted
only to Student Section members. To become a student section member, check
the appropriate box on your ESA membership form when you renew your ESA
membership ( or email
Self-nominations and nominations by colleagues are welcomed.

SELECTION CRITERIA: Applications will be reviewed by an Awards Committee
appointed by the Officers of the Student Section. Papers will be judged
based upon the paper’s contribution to the field, including originality,
study design and impact.
Nomination packets should include:

1. A copy of the paper

2. A brief letter describing the impact of the paper on the field and
standing the date of completion of the degree if the nominee is no longer
a student. ***Make sure to indicate whether the research was completed
during undergraduate or graduate tenure***

3. A letter of support from the major professor that also confirms the
nominee’s eligibility for the award

4. A CV from the nominee

SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS: Nomination packets should be sent (by May 31th)
electronically as pdfs to the Student Section's Secretary, Johanna
Delgado-Acevedo, at ( with the phrase
"Outstanding Student Awards" in the subject line.
If you have questions, email Matthew Whiteside ( or Rob
Salguero-Gomez (

We look forward to your applications,

The ESA Student Section

Chair: Matthew Whiteside
Vice Chair: Rob Salguero-Gomez
Secretary: Johanna Delgado-Acevedo

Matthew D. Whiteside
PhD Candidate
Chair ESA Student Section
Ecology and Evolution
321 Steinhaus Hall
University of California
Irvine,CA 92697-2525 USA
telephone: (949) 824-9423
fax: (949) 824-2181

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