MSc position available in Conservation Genetics

I am seeking an outstanding MSc student in the field of conservation
genetics in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University
of Wisconsin, Madison.  Current research in my lab focuses on characterizing
demographic history and understanding the effects of habitat fragmentation
on threatened species.  In doing so, we typically integrate field, genetic,
and population modeling approaches to identify factors limiting populations,
understand/predict the genetic and demographic consequences of limiting
factors, and provide managers and policy makers with the information needed
to make informed management decisions.  

The student’s thesis will involve characterizing adaptive genetic variation
in the Marbled Murrelet, specifically at the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC).  The Marbled Murrelet is a federally threatened seabird that
nests primarily in coastal old-growth forests along the west coast of North
America.  Fragmentation of old-growth forests and increasing predator
populations have resulted in a number of geographically isolated and
declining populations.  Previous work based on neutral (microsatellite)
genetic markers has detected little genetic variation across the species
range.  Adaptive markers, such as MHC, that are under the influence of
natural selection may yield finer-scale among-population differentiation and
have implications for the current proposal to remove murrelets from the
threatened species list.  Samples have already been collected and this will
be a lab based project.  This work will be conducted in collaboration with 
Dr. Vicki Friesen at Queen’s University.  Applicants should possess a B.Sc.
in Conservation Biology or closely related field and have a strong
background in molecular laboratory techniques, particularly bacterial
cloning and DNA sequencing.  Funding is in place for two years of graduate
student support ($19,000/year + tuition waiver) and laboratory expenses,
with potential for additional funding through teaching assistantships.

To be considered for this position, please send a cover letter outlining
your interests and research background, a curriculum vitae (including GPA
and GRE scores), and contact information for three professional references
(name, email, phone, address) as either a PDF or MS Word file to with ‘Marbled Murrelet MHC Application’ in the subject line.
The selected student is expected to enroll in the Department of Forest and
Wildlife Ecology in August 2009 for the fall semester.  Applicants must also
apply to the MSc program in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
( and the UW Graduate
School (   

Application materials will be accepted until April 1, 2009 or until a
suitable candidate is found. 

For more info, contact:
Zach Peery
Assistant Professor
Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-890-2766

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