I just get such a kick out of seeing Jane Lubchenco's name there. I was so
inspired by her research when I was in Biology 101 in college, thought it
was so cool. How exciting that we actually have a government tapping 'real
scientists' and not industry cronies!! It's a new day! Now let's just hope
we can turn this behemoth ship around quick cuz behemoths don't always turn

However I am curious about this hold. Will that prevent their being
inducted? And I should probably know this but since I don't others probably
don't either... will one or the other be inducted or does the White House
have multiple science advisors? 


     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
    Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
~~6-wk Online Writing Course Starts April 11, 2009~~
'Better to light a candle than curse the darkness'

If you're interested in facilitating the confirmation of ESA member 
(and Past President of the Society) Jane Lubchenco as NOAA 
Administrator, and John Holdren (AAAS past president) as White House 
Science Advisor, you could contact your Senators, both to express 
your concern about the anonymous hold(s?) on the confirmations and to 
ask whether your Senators are the ones who have placed the hold(s).

David Inouye

>Dear Friends,
>Sad to say, internal Senate politics is delaying confirmation of the
>most important science appointees -- and it may not be Menendez who
>many of us contacted last week.  See
>I called Harry Reid's office.  He had been very helpful with the
>CCB's Nevada Biodiversity Initiative and I mentioned that when I
>talked to a staffer about Reid breaking the logjam.  The staffer said
>she would pass the message on (I'm not holding my breath).
>At this point in history we badly need good scientists doing what
>they can to avert catastrophe.  Holdren can advise Obama but cannot
>run the OSTP until confirmed, Lubchenco is in limbo.  I hope you will
>all, scientists or not, will contact Reid (info at url above) and ask
>that he end this sad delay.
>Paul R. Ehrlich
>Bing Professor of Population Studies
>President, Center for Conservation Biology
>Department of Biology, 371 Serra Mall
>Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020
>Ph 650-723-3171
>Fx 650-723-5920

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