[The report itself, Prosperity without Growth? - The transition to a sustainable economy, can be accessed from:
http://www.sd-commission.org.uk/publications.php?id=914 ]

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Ahead of G20 summit, report says: promote sustainability over growth

    * Nick Fletcher
    * The Guardian, Monday 30 March 2009

The pursuit of economic growth was one of the root causes of the financial crisis, and governments should respond to the recession by abandoning growth at all costs in favour of a more sustainable, greener system, says a report out today.

Before this week's G20 summit, the Sustainable Development Commission, an independent adviser to the government, says the developed world's reliance on debt to fuel its relentless growth has created an unstable system that has made individuals, families and communities vulnerable to cycles of boom and bust. The benefits of growth have also been delivered unequally, with a fifth of the world's population earning only 2% of global income. Increased consumption also has disastrous environmental consequences, including the degradation of some 60% of the world's ecosystems.

According to the SDC, the global economy is almost five times larger than it was 50 years ago, and if it continues to grow at the same rate it would be 80 times larger by the end of the century.

"Faced with the current recession, it is understandable that many leaders at the G20 summit will be anxious to restore business as usual," said Professor Tim Jackson, economics commissioner at the SDC. "But governments really need to take a long, hard look at the effects of our single-minded devotion to growth - effects which include the recession itself.

"It may seem inopportune to be questioning growth while we are faced with daily news of the effects of recession, but allegiance to growth is the most dominant feature of an economic and political system that has led us to the brink of disaster. Not to stand back now and question what has happened would be to compound failure with failure: failure of vision with failure of responsibility. Figuring out how to deliver prosperity without growth is more essential now than ever."

The report - called Prosperity without growth? - calls on governments to develop a sustainable economic system that does not rely on ever-increasing consumption.

The SDC's proposals to achieve this include: improving financial and fiscal prudence, as well as giving priority to investment in public assets and infrastructure over private affluence; allowing individuals to flourish by tackling inequality, sharing available work, improving work-life balance and reversing the culture of consumerism; and establishing ecological limits on economic activity.

The report concludes: "The clearest message from the financial crisis is that our current model of economic success is fundamentally flawed. For the advanced economies of the western world, prosperity without growth is no longer a utopian dream. It is a financial and ecological necessity."

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Redefining Prosperity

Road scene with sign, Please find alternative routeThe economy is geared, above all, to economic growth. Economic policy in the current recession is all about returning to growth - but an economic crisis can be an opportunity for some basic rethinking and restructuring.

Two objectives other than growth - sustainability and wellbeing - have moved up the political and policy-making agenda in recent years, challenging the overriding priority traditionally given to economic growth.

SDC's "Redefining Prosperity" project has looked into the connections and conflicts between sustainability, growth, and wellbeing.

As part of a two year programme of work, we commissioned thinkpieces, organised seminars, and invited feedback. This project has now resulted in a major SDC report: 'Prosperity without growth?: the transition to a sustainable economy' by Professor Tim Jackson, SDC's Economics Commissioner. Prosperity without growth? analyses the relationship between growth and the growing environmental crisis and 'social recession'. In the last quarter of a century, while the global economy has doubled, the increased in resource consumption has degraded an estimated 60% of the world's ecosystems. The benefits of growth have been distributed very unequally, with a fifth of the world's population sharing just 2% of global income. Even in developed countries, huge gaps remain in wealth and well-being between rich and poor.

While modernising production and reducing the impact of certain goods and services have led to greater resource efficiency in recent decades, our report finds that current aspirations for 'decoupling' environmental impacts from economic growth are unrealistic. The report finds no evidence as yet of decoupling taking place on anything like the scale or speed which would be required to avoid increasing environmental devastation.

Prosperity without growth? proposes twelve steps towards a sustainable economy and argues for a redefinition of "prosperity" in line with evidence about what contributes to people's wellbeing.

SDC intends to generate discussion and debate on the challenges on the issues that Prosperity without Growth? raises. We have sent the report to the Prime Minister, government leaders in the devolved administrations, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and other government ministers, as well as business and civil society leaders.

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research and educational purposes only. ***

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