If you haven't already, please take a moment to complete this survey today 
at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=wPfcn512Zlpmsju_2b2gegDw_3d_3d 
to help us better understand how EcoEd Digital Library can be helpful to 
you. The survey will close on Monday. 

Thanks to advances in technology, faculty teaching undergraduate ecology 
can take advantage of digital resources that convey the best scientific 
findings. ESA seeks to improve the services of its EcoEd Digital Library 
(EcoEd DL - www.ecoed.net) that serves as a clearinghouse of digital 
resources such as animations, datasets and photos for undergraduate 
education in ecology. This survey will guide the development 
of EcoEd DL. 

All teaching faculty AND research scientists are invited to 
participate. You don't need to be an ESA member or current EcoEd DL user 
to participate. 

We really appreciate your input. 

Teresa Mourad 
Director, Education and Diversity Programs 

Reply via email to