Thanks for the TON of responses I got to my question about GIS layers that contains coverages for all protected regions in North America. Below are the responses I got:


Hi Jonathan - funny you should ask! We just finished our second draft of the North American Protected Areas Atlas. The shapefile is available on the CEC (Commission for Environmental Cooperation) website. But, we just had a meeting of all the players here and have made a few changes. V3 should be out in a couple of months.

You've probably come accross the CBI PAD3; they are about to release PADUS, which is a much more comprehensive database, that we will integrate into V3 of the NAPAA.

NAPAA also includes an integration of WDPA data (much coarser in scale).

Let us know how we can assist. Also, if you don't mind, I'm curious as to what you'd be using it for.

Thanks - Rob


You might want to try asking around within the USGS GAP program. They maintain a variety of GIS layers, from vegetation, to wildlife, to protected areas... called the 'stewardship layer'. I'm not sure what the status is on the California map, but someone in that region ought to know when they last updated that particular piece of information.

Best of luck,
Emilie Grossmann



The World Database of Protected Areas might cover it:




Try the GAP program of USGS - they've assembled maps of protected areas across the nation. You might have to get individual state or regions' data and put it together, but hopefully national GAP has something already combined.

Stacy McNulty


The Conservation Biology Institute has a Protected Areas Database that shows the GAP status for nationally protected areas in federal, state, local, and private land protection categories. Its available at and uses data from 2006 I think. Alternately, many state agencies such as the VA DCR and Florida FWC have protected area GIS files so its worth checking for state based records as well.


For national parks you can go to
Select National Data from under the map.

They have a shapefile with the Current Administrative Boundaries of
National Park System Units.

Jeffrey Dahlin


Dear Jonathan,

If you haven't already, you might look at the sources that LandScope
America (NatureServe) used for their "protected areas" layer (although
it only covers the continental US). It does not appear that the
compiled data set is being distributed, but the sources are provided
in the "map key & credits" (first link below). Perhaps it may be of
some use to you.



CBI has the Protected Areas Database (PAD) here:



This was done for siting green energy:
Natalie Dubois


You can get the data for the protected areas in Mexico using this sites:

They are in Spanish but I'm sure you can figure it out.



Jonathan –

I’m new to Ecolog and don’t really know how to reply to the list, and there was some problem withyour email in the Ecolog post, so I hope this is the correct email for you (or that you are the correct Jonathan Greenberg…)

You might want to check out

there is also a global edition, about which I know nothing (see below) . The ConservationBiology Database has been under development for several years and I believe has benefited from collaboration and work across multiple agencies and states. My understanding is that this is the best there is; probably not100% perfect, but pretty dam good.



Marc - yes, we're very aware of CBI. Their PAD is older data, long since
superceded by CPAD. CBI has been working on edits to CPAD dealing with Gap
scores, and is part of the national inventory effort I'm coordinating - for some more info..



I am not sure that you were interested in marine protected areas. If you are, my workplace has created gis data of oceanic reserves in the pacific.
Veronica Gibson


Thanks to everyone who responded!



Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS)
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
The Barn, Room 250N
Davis, CA 95616
Cell: 415-794-5043
AIM: jgrn307, MSN:, Gchat: jgrn307

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