Postdoctoral positions (3) in climate change and ecosystem dynamics, Princeton University, Stephen Pacala.
The Pacala lab seeks postdoctoral candidates to pursue a range of modeling projects related to climate change, carbon cycling, and vegetation dynamics. Principle collaborators include the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab (GFDL) and the US Forest Service Northern Research Station. There is considerable freedom in deciding on a research program, but potential activities include: (1) Collaborating in the development of a new generation of dynamic global vegetation models that will be designed to interface with the GFDL family of global models. Our modeling approach is distinguished by its use of recently-derived macroscopic equations for forest dynamics, and we welcome candidates with strong interests in mathematical theory. (2) Using offline and coupled versions of the GFDL/Princeton University Land Model LM3V, together with data from a variety of sources, to better understand the impacts of fire, land use, forest management, and climate on the carbon cycle. (3) Developing a data-assimilation algorithm to estimate and update Land Model parameters from heterogeneous sources of data, including forest inventories and eddy covariance towers. (4) Using the Forest Services comprehensive fire database to improve the fire submodel of the GFDL Land Model. Candidates with strong mathematical, computational, and/or statistical skills are especially encouraged to apply. Send CV and brief statement of interest to Jeremy Lichstein