
Here is one study we did on the subject. I can send the PDF if you like - In short we found that diversity increased the stability of carbon storage, but that if you select fast growing high density species, you can store more carbon that a mixed system. This was trees only though, we did not consider other plant or soil elements.

Bunker, D.E., F.A. DeClerck, J.C. Bradford, R. Colwell, P. Garden, I. Perfecto, O. Phillips, M. Sankaran, and S. Naeem. 2005. Biodiversity loss and above-ground carbon storage in a tropical forest. Science 301:1029-1031.


On May 13, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Kevin wrote:

Hi, All:

If you have any thinking about one of my ideas or aware of any related
literature, please join in the discussion.
Do you think a higher diverse plant ecosystem would lead to a higher carbon use efficiency or lower one? A higher diversity means more distinct niche differentiation and the ecosystem should be more efficient. Then a
higher proportion of GPP should flow into NPP. That is my guessing.
Welcome your opinion.


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