Hey, fellow ecologgers:

I teach at a school with mostly 1st and 2nd year college students.  My
science coordinator (and dear colleague) asked me to set up an honors
introductory ecology course for non-science majors.  I've looked at some
online syllabi of honors biology courses--many are high school or AP
courses--and am not convinced that their material will transfer well to
(again, for emphasis) a non-science majors lower-division ecology course. 
If any of you have taught an honors-level non-science majors introductory
ecology course, would you send me (1) a sample syllabus and/or (2) tips on
what topics you might cover in such a course and/or (3) any state standards
you used to set up such a course?  I'm at "alex_olvidoATyahoo.com" (without
quotes; please change AT to @).

Many thanks in advance.

-- Alex O.

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