I thank Dr. Dan Mckenzie, Dr. Francisco Di Castro and Dr. Mike Hillstrom for 
their suggestings. Also thanks Dr. Zuur for previous help. They were all useful 
and helped making a more clear idea how to treat the binary plant data.
I also followed the steps for FSO calculation recommended by Dr. Rick Boyce 
in FSO webpage. I liked it very much and helped it till one point.

My original question was simple: One matrix with 170 riparian plant species 
(columns) and 300 lakes (cases). All, binary variables (presence/absence). I 
want to know how lakes group together based on their similarities, make a 
categorical variable representing those groups, and then plot the plants on 
those groups (categories from cat. var) to see, for ex, plants (plant 
list) associated to a particular lakes group. 

I turned back again at the very beginning with this analysis.
What I will try now is 
1. performing UPGMA cluster analysis using Sorensen similarity index (from FSO 
webpage) to infer lakes groups and make a categorical variable (in R).
2. Use this cat. variable to associate plant species to those categories. Most 
probably I will transform the raw variables using Hellinger transformation 
(from Legendre and Gallager, 2001: Ecologically meaningful transformations for 
ordination of species data) (in R) and use Fisher´s classification coefficients 
from a discriminant function Analysis (in SPSS) to associate plants to lakes 

I am quite new in R but try the best to learn quick. Following the steps from 
FSO webpage I find no problem in computing Sorensen matrix (must thank Dr. 
Boyce once again for leave it clear and simple) but no way I can draw UPGMA 
clustrer analysis on that matrix. 

Is anyone aware of a routine that can combine both, Sorensen and UPGMA cluster. 
Unfortunately, my patching did not work.

Many thanks to all that helped once again.


Dragos Zaharescu
Animal Anatomy Laboratory
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Vigo University, apd. 137
36310, Vigo (Pontevedra), SPAIN

~ You should be the change you want to see in the world ~ Ghandi

From: Richard L. Boyce <boy...@nku.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:26:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Fuzzy Set Ordination for classifying plant species ??

It's a little hard to tell from you description what exactly is the 
problem.  I suggest you visit my FSO web page at 
<http://www.nku.edu/~boycer/fso/> and see if the examples there are 

>=0A=A0=0AHello,=0A=A0=0AI have a matrix with 180 plant species (variables, =
>binary) and 270 rows (altitude waterbodies). There is also one categorical =
>variable (4 categories representing similar lakes groups, which resulted fr=
>om a prior analysis of the transposed matrix).=0AIs there any way to load p=
>lant species on those categories in fuzzy-set-ordination analysis? Is there=
>  anyone here that has faced this question before or could provide a hint? A=
>ll my efforts so far=A0=A0have lead to loading the lakes on the categories =
>(fso in R); but I want to load the plant species.=0A=A0=0AI would greatly a=
>ppreciate your help.=0A=A0=0ADragos Zaharescu=0AVigo University=0A=0A~ You =
>should be the change you want to see in the world=A0~ Ghandi=0A=0A=0A

Richard L. Boyce
Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY  41099  USA

859-572-1407 (tel.)
859-572-5639 (fax)

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly 
making exciting discoveries." - A.A. Milne

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